Seven Years Ago, On Spanking Blog

Seven years ago, this blog was less than two weeks old. I just realized I’d passed the seven-year mark without noticing. 1,996 posts in that time, can you believe it?

I thought I’d have a look back. What was I saying, seven years ago when this blog was 13 days old?

One of my goals for this blog is to rescue little shards of spanking text from obscure corners of the web. There are innumerable little BDSM and spanking sites on the web, but each is small and little-linked-to. In this Google age, that means such are almost impossible to find, especially when they have to compete with stylish porn pages with carefully engineered key words and link structure. Since one of my hobbies is trolling the deep dark web that’s buried beneath the first three hundred search results for any query, it only makes since to share the spanking goodies that turn up down in those depths.

Still true!

  1. Spankedhortic commented on March 25th, 2010:

    Happy blogiversary for 13 days ago. Seven years, that is very impressive.


  2. sixofthebest commented on March 25th, 2010:

    Congratulations Spank Boss, you have a fine blog. The subject matter, called Spanking, your excellent photo’s, and drawings, on this fascinating erotics, are pure joy to read, and look at. Seven years, and hopefully seven more years, I wish for you, me, and all spanking enthusiasts.

  3. J B commented on March 25th, 2010:

    Thanks, sooooo glad you ARE.

  4. Jonathan Knight commented on March 26th, 2010:

    Hi there, just wanted to say many congratulations on seven years, keep up the good work.

  5. Linzee commented on March 28th, 2010:

    I’ve been reading your blog for about 5 years now… which is odd to think about since I was so young back then. Sneaking peaks at the site while my roommate was gone and feeling a sense that I wasn’t alone in all this…

    Thanks for the opportunity to learn more about myself and enjoy some good pictures along the way :)

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Bondage Ass Beatings Movie:

Detention House 3: Severely Punished Delinquent Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...and then the spanking starts. Brutal, totally uncompromising. You have never heard screams and shrieks as terrible as these..."