Cane, Incoming

That looks like it’s gonna smart:

cane landing hard on her bottom in 3,2,1...

From The Upper Floor.

See Also:

  1. Poppy St Vincent commented on May 23rd, 2010:

    This is off topic but I just wanted to let you know that I spent about five hours reading your site yesterday. As someone that is (relatively) new to all this I am still finding massive sites like yours as new. It was such a treat! I wanted to comment about 52 times but seeing as I was working back from sometime in 2005 I think maybe the moment had passed. There were a couple of quotes from you that I would love to write about but I will email and check it is ok before I do.
    I love what you do. I learned a lot about blogging and saw and read many things that made me sit quietly for a few moments and go quite, quite pink.
    Thank you,


    PS- I have spell checked this and if any mean old mis-spelt words got through then Word gets the telling off, not me. :)

  2. Miss Smartypants commented on May 23rd, 2010:

    Pardon please, but that picture is from’s The Upper Floor.

  3. SpankBoss commented on May 23rd, 2010:

    Miss Smartypants, I hope you’re happy. Of course you are correct, and I have fixed the attribution. ;-)

  4. SpankBoss commented on May 23rd, 2010:

    Oh and Poppy, welcome to Spanking Blog! I don’t get so much fan mail these days — blogging isn’t the crowd-pleaser it used to be, and maybe I’m getting boring — but I’m always delighted to learn that somebody is enjoying the site.

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