Gagged And Spanked By The Maid

This surprisingly modern-looking gagged spanking illustration is actually by Georges Töpfer, illustrating a vintage French erotic book called Visites fantastiques au pays du fouet by Aimé Van Rod:

gagged and spanked by the maid

To my eye, it looks very much in the modern style; when I first saw it, I thought it might be by somebody like Alazar. But no; the attribution is solid. It turns out ErosBlog published one of the other illustrations a couple of weeks ago, and managed to crowdsource an attribution to this wonderful post at Au carrefour étrange containing all of the illustrations from the book in glorious high resolution. Awesome.

See Also:

  1. losfeld commented on December 22nd, 2010:

    Thanx for the link, keep up the good work, cheers!

  2. Summertime commented on May 25th, 2011:

    Good to see maid taking charge LOL

  3. Maid takes charge « Grumpy old fart!!! commented on May 25th, 2011:

    […] Via […]

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