Ally Ann In The Cathouse

Bethie and I were idly flipping channels just before bedtime last night and we paused because there was a hilarious hooker frenzy happening on HBO. The show was a 2010 episode of Cathouse, starring the ladies who work at the Bunny Ranch brothel in Nevada. And I say “frenzy” because they were in the brothel gift shop trying on the kinky gear — one of them was putting on a strait jacket, another a hood, they were spanking each other, giggling, and having a grand old time.

Naturally we watched for awhile.

Almost immediately I was like “I know that girl! Who is that girl? Why is she familiar?” Because one of the girls was very familiar-looking. And that was spooky, because I’ve never been (honest!) to the Bunny Ranch.

Then they said her name, and it all fell into place.

She was Ally Ann.

ally ann

Ally has modeled a lot for, she’s appeared at least twice in the last year here on Spanking Blog and in innumerable other places on the web. It’s no wonder her face was familiar!

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