Spring Break Spatula Spanking

I found this on Tumblr with the caption:

“You knew the beach house rules, Cindy…no leaving your clothes laying around. Time to pay the price…”

spanked with a spatula by the girls of spring break

From her benignly-bemused expression, however, I’m guessing “Cindy” is thinking “Do your worst, bitch… it won’t even be a warm-up compared to how your boyfriend spanks me.”

See Also:

  1. Dave commented on May 15th, 2011:

    “Dunno, should I cook up some scrambled eggs with this spatula, or tan some sense into your gorgeous tush…Hm……..”

    [love this pic!] :-)

  2. SpankBoss commented on May 15th, 2011:

    Why not do both at the same time?

  3. Thomas_III commented on May 15th, 2011:

    In addition to the spanking that she’s apparently about to get, I wonder if the young lady notices that her nipple is showing to the camera. ;)

  4. tim commented on May 19th, 2011:

    These 3 girls are cheeky needing big spanks very cute minxes ,best ,tim .

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