From Over My Knee:
November 5th, 2011 | 2 Comments »
What a lovely, creamy, erotic image! But you know what? This is the first time ever that I’ve looked at a B&W spanking picture and thought to myself, damn, too bad it’s not in color. Not sure why that is.
Funny Frr should mention that. I was looking at the picture and thinking to myself, damn, too bad it doesn’t come with audio. :)
(I have the feeling she is a high soprano.)
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What a lovely, creamy, erotic image! But you know what? This is the first time ever that I’ve looked at a B&W spanking picture and thought to myself, damn, too bad it’s not in color. Not sure why that is.
Funny Frr should mention that. I was looking at the picture and thinking to myself, damn, too bad it doesn’t come with audio. :)
(I have the feeling she is a high soprano.)