A Very Kinky Spanking

The very first things that caught my eye in this bit of bondage art were the pertly-drawn and eminently whippable buttocks of the bondage girl on center stage. Which is right and proper and only to be expected, me being me:

bound for a whipping with a whalebone crop or quirt

However her butt wasn’t the only thing that caught my eye! It’s really a very unusual image, given the masturbating domme and the Peeping Tom behind the curtains.

The art style looks familiar and I suspect it’s one of the usual vintage suspects, but I can’t say for sure. I found it on a Tumblr that strips all attributions as a matter of policy, so no help there…

  1. Showalittlerestraint commented on April 5th, 2012:

    Yes, that bottom is exceptionally well-defined. The erect nipple and facial expression/head tilt of our sub makes me wonder what the the pointy toe of the domme’s left boot is up to. Note that that’s where the shocked eyes of the obviously in-over-his-head detective are directed, as well. Nice, subtle use of pink and blue washes, though the reddest thing in the room is the poor man’s face, who isn’t getting any points for subtlety himself. In fact, if he’s foolish enough to allow himself to be discovered, which seems imminently likely, I see some surprising narrative developments — our fierce domme doesn’t look like one to take kindly to uninvited gawkers.

  2. Jerusalem Mortimer commented on April 6th, 2012:

    I expect the gawker got in comeuppance in the next few pages. And enjoyed his predicament immensely, pornotopia being what it is.
    I’m assuming it’s a book illustration, probably early 20th century, and maybe French. But I don’t know the artist. Sorry.
    Lovely picture, though.
    (Long-time lurker, me; first time commenter.)

  3. S.K. commented on April 8th, 2012:

    high heeks and tied elbows scream John Willie

  4. Lev commented on April 19th, 2012:

    More in this series to be found here:


  5. Isabella Cunnie commented on May 10th, 2012:

    I love this image it’s so erotic and beautifully drawn – I love her nips and her bottom, even her suspenders are to the side so not to get in the way. Think I’ll reconstruct this photo later! :)

  6. wiwa1512 commented on October 20th, 2015:

    The artist’s name is “Lusché”, certanly a pseudonyme.

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

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