Three Malcreants, One Caning Block

A certain amount of queuing and taking-of-turns is inevitable when you’ve got a handful of rebellious girls and only one caning block:

three sorry girls, one caning block

From Lupus Spanking.

Update: What in the heck is a “malcreant”? Some unholy cross between a malfeasant and a miscreant, I can only assume…

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  1. Brian commented on June 1st, 2012:

    I do love Lupus…

  2. Maren commented on June 1st, 2012:

    So do I. I loved them more when you could buy the videos though, instead of just streaming.

  3. Molly commented on June 3rd, 2012:

    The look in the last girls eye is just brilliant….


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