Spanked By The Man In Uniform

Ronnie at Heart & Soul published this along with some other vintage spanking pictures. I don’t know anything about it except that Ronnie’s version appears to have been captioned in something that looks like Polish:

spanked by a man in a uniform

  1. Stan/E. commented on November 2nd, 2012:

    I knew about it, I use it, months ago, I’ll try to tell you…

  2. Stan/E. commented on November 2nd, 2012:

    Chross said “Paris-Varsovie sans visa”, filmed in 1967 and nothing german in the uniform…
    The young lady is Pola Raksa…

  3. ronniesoul commented on November 2nd, 2012:

    I didn’t know anything it just liked the picture. Think it is Polish and something to do with a visa.

    Thanks for the mention.


  4. Polka commented on November 3rd, 2012:

    The caption is indeed Polish: “Paryż-Warszawa bez wizy” reż. Hieronima Przybyła.

    It’s a movie title that can be translated as “Traveling from Paris to Warsaw without a visa”, plus the director’s name, Hieronim Przybył.

  5. Chross commented on November 5th, 2012:


  6. willjohn commented on May 8th, 2017:

    The spanker is Miecyslaw Kalenik, Polish actor, born 1931.

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