Coming Out As A Spanko

Coming out as a spanko. To your longtime lover and fiance who sort-of knows but thinks it’s just a little bit of a sometimes sex thing. And doing it in the pages of the New York Times.

That takes a certain sort of courage. But this lady is clearly one of us. It’s a great piece.

Here’s a very true bit:

But when I started college and got my first personal computer, everything changed. In online anonymity I found a community that shared my interest and insecurities. I wasn’t looking for partners to “play” with (as it’s called); spanking, to me, is as intimate as sex, and not to be shared with someone I didn’t love. I just wanted a forum to express my otherwise unexpressible side.

“What did you all do before the Internet?” I asked a woman in an online forum.

“The brave ones looked for personal ads,” she replied. “The rest of us were lonely.”

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