The Pussy Hold — Seriously?

Sometimes no matter how well you chain her into position for her caning, she just wiggles too much for you to get the perfect lattice of cane welts that you’re looking for. That much is true.

So, how to hold her still? This fellow has a novel idea. He just puts on a latex glove, inserts three fingers you-know-where, and gets a firm grip. You might call it The Pussy Hold.

It totally works, too.

See Also:

  1. Irek commented on September 10th, 2017:

    I’m not sure what your maintenance policy is, but I discovered what I think might be called a ‘broken link’. It is:

    I would love to see this “Pussy Hold”, so hope you can either fix the link or find the original material on your systems or elsewhere on the web.

    You do a great job making available such a variety of material – and also keeping your archive with good searching facilities so that newcomers can explore and benefit from your many years of work. Thank you.

  2. Irek commented on September 10th, 2017:

    By the way, if there is a better route for sending you this kind of maintenance comment, please advise. I’d be pleased to assist in this manner if I can and if you would value that. I appreciate it’s more of a system admin. point than a comment upon the spanking topic per se.

  3. SpankBoss commented on September 10th, 2017:

    Hey, Irek. Sad to say, Long Dozen is one of the many spanking producers who have gone defunct and are no longer maintaining their websites. That means there is no longer any official “correct link” with which to fix the broken ones. It may sometimes be possible to use the Internet Archive or other web archives, but given the number of producers who have left the business, my own deep pages are absolutely ridden with these broken links; the chance of me ever catching up to all of them and finding archive replacements for them are very slim. Sorry!

  4. Irek commented on September 13th, 2017:

    Well, thanks for your prompt and helpfully explanatory reply.
    I sympathise!
    If anyone does have a locally-held copy of this Pussy Hold image, then it’d be great to make it available again.

  5. Irek commented on September 16th, 2017:

    Dear SpankBoss

    I had a few minutes so checked the Internet Archive Wayback Machine.

    I wonder if the image you linked to could be one of those under the heading “April.20.2012 | Amy” at

    If so, I am not sure if it’s possible to copy it from there and paste it into your site as a local file rather than a URL link, nor what the wuality would be like, but I expect you will know about that!

    Hope this helps.
