The Painful Gauntlet

I first encountered the idea of a spanking gauntlet as a young reader. I’d found a pulp novel about girl gang members in some big city, who were described as initiating a new member by stripping her and making her crawl between their legs as they lashed her with leather belts soaked in a bucket of water. I later discovered accounts of various male military organizations doing something similar to discipline wayward soldiers.

Now here are a couple of stills from a 1966 Hungarian movie, showing a naked blonde female prisoner forced to run a painful gauntlet of uniformed men:

political prisoner forced to run the spanking gauntlet

The movie is The Round-Up (or Szegénylegények) and the blonde is Magda Schlehmann. The plot, near as I can tell from various fragmentary sources, involves suspected guerrilla leaders imprisoned in a military fortress on the steppe. The captors do not know which of their prisoners are the leaders, but (as IMDB puts it) they know enough to apply “perfidious forms of coercion effectively.” Yup, I’d say so!

See Also:

  1. mike commented on March 12th, 2013:

    The entire movie is here:

    [mike’s link died when the video was removed from YouTube, but the removal notice included this title keyword that may prove useful for future searchers: “Szegénylegények”]

    The part you are interested is around the 48 minute mark

  2. Spank Slaves Spanking Porn » The Spanking Gauntlet commented on March 17th, 2013:

    […] Spanking Gauntlet: She’s naked and forced to run it! Spanking Porn Links: Three […]

  3. Union Army Invades Hoop Skirts of Southern Belles - ErosBlog: The Sex Blog commented on February 7th, 2019:

    […] I should say that military-themed porn always looks a bit regimented. But there are less friendly examples out […]

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

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