Spanking Porn And Giving It Away

If you have been following Pandora Blake’s recent frustrations with her billing services provider over some very petty objections to the content on her Dreams Of Spanking site, here’s her official announcement of the free site called Darker Dreams she’s created to give away the spanking porn the credit card companies won’t let her sell. Apparently you can’t talk about consent on the website where you sell porn, and you can’t fight with rubber swords in your porn, either:

Many commenters have remarked on how tame the scenes CCBill objected to are compared to porn you can find elsewhere on the web. Our silly sword-fighting scenes, for instance, all use fake weapons, such as rubber toy swords or capped fencil foils – and yet CCBill still found the “threat to life” implied by these duelling scenes too “realistic” to be allowed.

spanked with a toy sword

I purely love Pandora’s response to this:

Fuck capitalism: I’ll give it all away. Full length video downloads, image galleries, behind the scenes documentaries, associated writings, everything. Plus the comments, the blog posts, the performer bios, all the surrounding context that demonstrates the ethical production and enthusiastic content that went into the making of those scenes, because without that, it’s not representative of what I’m doing.

Free range porn, released into the wild! It’s an exhilarating, liberating prospect. Free economics: the last line of defence against the capitalist censors. If I’m not charging, there’s not a damn thing they can do about it.

See Also:

  1. bodack commented on June 20th, 2013:

    That is very interesting. CCbill is saying what I can buy even if it is legal??? I would rather do business with someone else but they seem to be all over the Web.

    I also found my credit card provider will not accept them for spanking sites. I don’t know if it is CCbill or my credit card provider is censoring what I want to watch. Girls boarding school is mild compared to a lot of sites out there. Yet I still can’t get a subscription.

  2. Freedom Of Speech And Payment – ErosBlog: The Sex Blog commented on June 29th, 2013:

    […] an article that uses the billing problems Pandora Blake ran into (“No talking about consent next to your porn!”) with her Dreams Of Spanking website to illustrate what’s becoming […]

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