Spanking A Thief

This Civil War era account of M/m disciplinary spankings comes (via the Punished tumblr) from an old book about life in a Confederate military prison camp where the prisoners were left to administer justice among themselves:

The instrument used was what is called in the south a “shake” — a split shingle, a yard or more long, and with one end whittled down to form a handle. The culprit was made to bend down until he could catch around his ankles with his hands. The part of the body thus brought into most prominence was denuded of clothing and “spanked” from one to twenty times, as Hill ordered, by the “shake” in some strong and willing hand. It was very amusing — to the bystanders. The “spankee” never seemed to enter very heartily into the mirth of the occasion. As a rule he slept on his face for a week or so after, and took his meals standing.


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