Humanitarian Spankings, With Gravy

This paragraph from a spanking movie review made me laugh out loud:

The fun thing about the movie is that all of the bottoms are so goddamn bratty that spanking them seems like the right thing to do on a humanitarian level. That each character in the exchange seems to take a deep carnal satisfaction in the proceedings is gravy.

I think we spankos all recognize those situations in which giving a spanking is just the humanitarian thing to do. No extra charge for the carnal satisfaction gravy!

The quote is from Gram Ponante’s review of Julie Simone’s Fem/Fem Spankings.

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  1. Dave commented on October 21st, 2014:

    I hate to lol but I just lol-ed. Just checked out Gram’s site — he is funny as all heck regarding reviewing adult stuff. . . never seen anything like it!

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