“Whacko” Marriage Counselling

I don’t think marriage counselling is meant to work quite like this. Although if it did, maybe more men would be willing to agree to it?

spanking alternative marriage counsellor

The cartoonery style is familiar, but I can’t quite make out the artist’s signature.

See Also:

  1. Marco commented on March 1st, 2017:

    The artist is Bill Wenzel. His signs as W Wenzel.

  2. web-ed commented on March 10th, 2017:

    Yes, it’s Bill Wenzel, who drew the first known Humorama spanking cartoon using the OTK position in July 1955. 18 years later in 1973, Wenzel drew this cartoon, of which I have the only known copy within the spanko community, for another Humorama publication. It was later reprinted on the cover of the February 1980 Fun House, and that is the version seen here (as a matter of fact it’s from the scan I myself made in 2013 when I finally got my hands on the issue after a long search).

    It appears to me that Humorama started accepting some new cartoons, including “spankers,” from Wenzel around 1972 (along with a small number of other artists including Bill Ward, who was still doing new work for them through the 60’s). Indeed, there were three other spanking cartoons by Wenzel in that one issue! Most of the other cartoons in the issue were reprints from the 50’s. These later spanking cartoons often feature bare bottoms, something we didn’t have in the Humorama “spankers” of the classic period 1955-60.

    I discovered two additional Wenzel bare-bottomed spanking cartoons from this period last year, but have never published them (I will eventually, of course). For anyone interested in all the known Humorama spanking cartoons by Wenzel, Ward, Dan DeCarlo, etc. I created the Humorama Spanking Cartoon Data Base).

  3. SpankBoss commented on March 11th, 2017:

    Thanks so much!

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