Caned In A Public Bar

For many people, punishment scenes are less about pain per se and more about exposure, helplessness, and humiliation. The more people who watch a spanking or caning, the worse (and thus, the better) the experience. Imagine this poor woman, caned in a small bar while all the drinkers and patrons watch, laugh, point, and take snapshots for their social media:

public caning begins in a spanish bar

cane strikes bottom in public caning in Barcelona

her public caning humiliation continues

Her name is Liz Rainbow, known for the duration of this Public Disgrace shoot as The Public Fucktoy of Barcelona. (Public Disgrace is, like all of the old independent sites, now an included channel with Kink Unlimited.)

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...thirty vicious cane strokes for each delinquent young woman caught drinking on school grounds..."