Spank Her Shoe Off

shoe spanked off

Artwork is from the December 1953 edition of the Japanese fetish magazine Kitan Club, although it is surely reproduced from an European source.

  1. Sebastian Weetabix commented on January 16th, 2018:

    The shoe is a nice touch. But where are her panties?

  2. Fr. commented on January 16th, 2018:

    I hate it when that happens!!!!

    (Okay, fine, it’s never happened.)

  3. SpankBoss commented on January 16th, 2018:

    Seb, I think she’s wearing bloomers that come to mid-calf, just rather poorly drawn.

  4. Sebastian Weetabix commented on January 16th, 2018:

    Spank Boss, I think you are right about the bloomers. I thought the line was of her stocking tops. But in that case where are her stockings?

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