The Porn Dude Has A List

One of the best and funnest things about the now-fading blog era was the blogroll that everybody kept. There’s something that’s just fun about following somebody else’s list of links. It’s not just you, asking an impersonal and often recalcitrant robotic database to display what you want; it’s them, your virtual friends, selecting and curating for you a list of fun things that they think you’ll like. And when we’re talking about pornographic fun things, there’s a voyeuristic element to exploring somebody else’s porn links, too! It’s not just “Oh my stars, that’s unbelievably filthy” but “Zounds, I can’t believe my friend even knows about this, much less that they put it on their link list and recommended it to me! Does that mean that they jerk off to it? I’ll never think about them in the same way again!”

Well, if you take the fun of a good pornographic porn-blog blogroll, turn it up to eleven, multiply it by some large factor, and subtract a tiny fudge to account for the fact that you don’t know the guy who is shaping your experience for you, what you get would look something like the humongous porn link list at

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And this list is indeed huge! Close to 650 sites, split into about 65 categories, covering every imaginable genre, style, type, flavor, fetish, and format of pornographic site. I’ll admit it does include a few sites I would never link directly from Spanking Blog (mostly sites I consider “bad neighborhoods” because of melt-your-browser advertising or dubious intellectual property shenanigans) but my whole thing is selection and judgment about what spanking porn to publish; the point to a general porn link list is, I gather, to offer as much diversity as possible, usefully curated into categories. What’s more, this link list offers an additional incredibly useful feature: short reviews are available at the link list, giving you a good idea where you’re going before you go there. From there it’s up to you to pull up your big-person pants, double-check your security software, and decide whether or not to click.

Although there isn’t a specific “Spanking Porn” category at, Spanking Blog readers may find some material of interest in the Fetish Porn Sites category. Certainly you will never be short of links to try while surfing at!

As you all know, I post a lot of vintage spanking art these days, in part because there isn’t very much modern and exciting spanking porn being made these days. One thing I don’t believe I’ve ever mentioned is that one of my sources for such art is the ancient threads on old porn forums, which are bulletin boards that mostly predate modern social media sites. People used to (and often still do) post collections of erotic art on these forums, and so they can offer a good way to find obscure vintage spanking and fetish art of all kinds. has a “Porn Forums” category that includes twenty-six (!) such forums, including half a dozen that I’ve visited at one time or another and a bunch more that I never knew existed. It’s this sort of depth that convinces me that the link list is of potential interest to Spanking Blog readers. You may need to dig pretty deep to find some of the material of greatest spanking interest, but there are many links here that Google refuses to reveal in a casual porn keyword search these days. This link list might be the single most efficient portal into some of this material. Happy browsing!

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