Color Photos Of Eric Stanton

Brit Stanon Eric Stanton's wife -- big blonde amazon

Since I seem to be on a bit of an Eric Stanton kick right now, I thought I’d share these two color biographical photos that I found on eBay. (The longer-term-stable Internet Archive link is here.) And here’s the wild thing: remember the Eric Stanton connection to science fiction writer Andrew J. Offutt that I blogged about in December? These photos are said to be from the Offutt estate! The eBay seller writes of that connection:

Stanton and Offutt were not only colleagues who collaborated on hundreds of original works of erotic art and literature, notably “Stantoons” and “Blunder Broad” digests, they were close friends who regularly corresponded through letters, photographs, story and art proofs.

eric stanton in his studio at his easel working on dart broad art

The photo at the top of this post is captures Eric and his wife Brit, posing at a 1980s art or comics convention. Brit’s wearing a pretty kinky outfit (knee-high boots and black spandex). It’s clear she understood Stanton’s tastes, and those of his autograph-seeking fans! As of course she would; per the eBay seller, Brit was a model for some of Stanton’s 1970s femme fetish photography. It’s pretty clear to me that some of his rapidly-drawn big buxom blonde Amazons in Stantoons and elsewhere were modeled after Brit as well.

The other photo captures Eric at his drafting table. The caption “The Dart Broad” presumably refers to the art — a work in progress? — on the easel, which I have blown up from the source photo rather more than is practical. From the limited visible detail, it looks like harem girls chasing somebody, maybe a loose pony girl, who is wearing quite a bit of bondage harness. I can’t find any reference in search engines to “The Dart Broad” but the style looks rather like his loose, rapidly-dashed-off drawings for various storylines in Stantoons. My guess is that the Dart Broad artwork appears somewhere in there:

the dart broad -- eric stanton work in progress

See Also:

  1. W. G. Ames commented on January 15th, 2020:

    In this interesting post today about Eric Stanton you note his work with sci fi writer Andrew Offutt. That reminded me that, since your earlier post about Offutt, I have been wanting to mention an excellent and interesting book I recently read written by his son, the author Chris Offutt: My Father, the Pornographer: A Memoir.

    The memoir mentions Stanton numerous times and talks about his dad’s twenty-five year collaboration with Stanton, which was carried out under a “gentleman’s agreement.” It confirms that his dad used the name Turk Winter for all their collaborative work and talks about their popular series Blunder Broad, a parody of Wonder Woman, and their series about transsexual Amazonian women they called “princkazons.” Chris Offutt says his Dad considered Eric his best friend, even though the two spent little time together in person. The day Stanton died in 1999, Andrew Offutt suffered a massive heart attack.

  2. Sam commented on January 17th, 2020:

    Great posting, and additional thanks to W.G. Ames!

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