Spanking Tender Young Bottoms

This Bill Ward spanking artwork appeared on the cover of a 1977 stroke book called Tender Young Bottoms. Might I be forgiven for thinking the spankee looks more like a hardened repeat offender (whatever she may have done to earn that spanking) than a tender young anything?

bill ward hand spanking art

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  1. web-ed commented on April 17th, 2020:

    Interesting color piece by Ward. In composition it resembles one of his Humorama spanking cartoons, “Pipe-washing Spanking” in which a young wife is bent over a chair. I wonder if Ward did his own colors here? Probably not.

  2. SpankBoss commented on April 17th, 2020:

    Yeah — I agree that he probably did not. Usually the books in a given line from those days have very similar color composition no matter who did the art. The better ones had a set (six or eight or ten or twelve) of b&w illustrations commissioned from one artist, and usually the cover art would be found repeated inside as one of the interior illustrations — only without color inside. My assumption is that they commissioned an art set, then picked the one they wanted to use for cover art and had it colored as part of the book-packaging process.

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