Sex After Caning

I don’t have an original source for this, but I suspect it’s an amateur upload from the tumbler era. What we’ve got is a very graphic photo of sex with a woman whose ass has been thoroughly caned.

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  1. FrankN.Stein commented on September 23rd, 2020:

    there’s no better foreplay in my experience… :)

  2. The count commented on September 23rd, 2020:

    Good to see he is using a condom!

  3. Fr. commented on September 23rd, 2020:

    LOL right? I noticed the condom too. Good for him.

  4. SpankBoss commented on September 23rd, 2020:

    The condom is one of the reasons I believe this to be an amateur upload. Commercial porn *usually* either eschews them or deploys one of those slimline supertransparent no-rolled-up-extra jobs.

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