Works Both Ways: 1907 Marital Advice

I love the marital advice on this 1907 comic postcard, captioned “An occasional solid thrashing wakes confidence and is love-refreshing.” I couldn’t agree more! But now it’s her turn:

wife spanking her husband

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  1. Fr. commented on June 14th, 2021:

    Wait…1907 or 1970?

  2. SpankBoss commented on June 15th, 2021:

    1907! Fixed my typo, thank you.

  3. Fr. commented on June 16th, 2021:

    You’re welcome! Great postcard.

  4. lovemarks commented on December 9th, 2024:

    It is very likely that one may have settled their differences (arguements, et al) with their partner/spouse with a sound spanking; probably more men spanking their wives than vice versa, though there were such exceptions without any doubt.

    In either case, despite those with some mixed emotions with receiving spankings as adult from their spouse the gratifying sensations

  5. lovemarks commented on December 9th, 2024:

    Oops! As I was saying… (and I can speak for my own experiences receiving spankings from my wife) the gratification and ultimately, satisfaction after my wife paddles my bare-butt far outweighs the excruciatingly painful sting from her wooden paddle.

    I never thought anybody could or would tame me. After scores of years had passed I realized that one learns so much through introspection. My wife’s swats that sting my bare-ass always make me endeavor as her husband (and yeah, the femdom thing is also a big turn-on for me).

    I also don’t think a lot has changed for we spankos in the last hundred years — other than the sudden appearance of the internet. That’s my two-cents worth.

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A "Punished Delinquents In Tears" Movie:

Detention House 3: Spanked Inmates Made Very Sorry

blubbering blonde with a beaten ass
"...a heavy round wooden paddle with a hole in the middle that leaves fearsome red bruises. And then the shaking girls with beaten butts and tearful faces receive another terrible punishment..."