Hot Sex, Caning Edition

When your sub’s bottom is wildly aflame from the first dozen strokes of an extended punishment caning and you stop to take a little sex break so you can pound into her from behind, that’s a whole new level of “hot sex” unlocked:

bent over for doggystyle sex in the middle of a long hard caning punishment

Does she seem conflicted about her temporary reprieve, or is that just me?

From Pain Toy.

See Also:

  1. RC commented on February 14th, 2023:

    There’s something about the way he wiggles a bit from side to side that rubs her the wrong way.

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...thirty vicious cane strokes for each delinquent young woman caught drinking on school grounds..."