Chross Resurgent!

Here’s a bit of good news: Chross says he’s back! If you remember the early days of the spanking blog era, Chross’s Guide To The Spanking Internet made a huge splash back in 2006 and, with regular “spankings of the week” linklists and the Chross Movie Database of mainstream movie spankings, Chross became one of the most indispensable hubs of the online spanking community. So much so that “getting Chrossed” became a much-to-be-desired experience, because for new and established bloggers alike, a Chross mention was a guaranteed slug of traffic and attention from the community.

Nothing gold lasts forever, sadly. Over the years many of Chross’s resources have gone offline, and there’ve been reboots with new resources and various levels of activity. Most recently there was a small flurry of activity in the winter of 2020/2021, but without access to any of the historical material. So I was delighted to get email from Chross yesterday, explaining that he’s “turning the whole thing into a message board” with special focus on his old passion, the spankings in mainstream movies. It’s at the old URL and he’s talking of reposting some of the best treasures from the old blog and movie database.

otk spanking over panties movie screeshot

I’m excited about this for another reason, which is that forums (message boards) are the original social media as far as I’m concerned. The topics so far are focused on Chross’s content passions, but I’ve never seen a vibrant forum that didn’t eventually expand to support lively discussion of whatever the visitors/readers enjoyed. I would have been running a forum all these years if the technical side of running one hadn’t defeated me when I tried it. So if Chross pulls off this reboot successfully, we might gain another sorely-needed social hub for this community. That’s what I’m keeping my fingers crossed for.

Screen cap above is from Chross’s entry about the movie 10 Rules For Sleeping Around.

See Also:

  1. Chross commented on March 12th, 2023:

    Thank you very much!

    I hope to get this thing back to old standards.
    Right now I am updating daily to get the archives back online again :)

    Anyone is welcome to register and contribute. Please note that I will have to approve all registrations to keep the spammers away. I usually activate on the same day or at least the following day. So just check back and see if the login works.


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