Smoking And Caning

This worn postcard-format wallet photo is the only version of this image that I can find. The weary smoking woman swinging that bamboo cane is treating this punishment session like just another household chore. Perhaps her fast-living daughter has once again rebelled against the constraints place upon her until she graduates from secretarial school or finds a husband, whichever comes first:

young woman in nice lingerie gets a bamboo caning from a weary older woman with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth

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  1. Tiredny commented on September 6th, 2024:

    This looks, to me, like the madam disciplining one of her “girls” for:

    showing up late again
    not pleasing her date
    fighting with the other girls
    using “gutter” language in the main “display” room
    failing to replace condoms in the action room

    Take your pick.


  2. SpankBoss commented on September 11th, 2024:

    Tired, I congratulate you on scenario-spinning; honestly your proposed context works better with this photo than any of mine. However the juxtaposition of noncon punishment (which we flirt with in fantasy all the time here at Spanking Blog and more generally in the spanking kink space) and sex workers isn’t erotic for me, because it treads too close to the specter of actual sex trafficking. So I never would have thought of that one.

  3. Tiredny commented on September 12th, 2024:

    SpankBoss, my last 5 stories all deal with Workplace Discipline. Now, to be clear they are NOT totally non-con. I believe the correct technical term is semi-consensual. The idea being the worker/servant/maid etc. always has the option to quit!

    Now, whether that “option” makes any economic sense is well… another matter entirely. But then again, these stories are all fiction/fantasy.

    In the pic above, I’d say that the “girl” would only take the madam’s punishment IF she wants to keep her very lucrative job.

    My stories are free to read and download (for offline reading) here:


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