Do You Obey Your Husband?

Spanking Blog doesn’t often touch on serious questions of marital harmony, all the spousal spanking content you can find on here notwithstanding. But, if you’re even a little bit interested in “traditional” relationships, this POV on obeying your husband may be of interest:

Found it on TikTok but it was from one of those AI-automated video ripper accounts so I don’t have the original credit.

She says:

A woman will say “I don’t wanna obey my husband.” And that same woman will go to her job and her boss tells her he wants something done by Monday.

She’ll say, yes, sir.

She goes home. The trash people say, put your trash out on Tuesday.

She’ll say, yes, sir.

She’ll go to the hospital, the doctor tells her, take these pills.

She’ll say, yes, sir.

But the man that loves her and wants to provide and protect for her, she has a problem obeying him?

That’s why you’re single!

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