Debbie’s Always In Trouble

Old fans of Nu-West will remember their famous spanking model Debbie, who always seems to be in a lot of trouble and getting her naughty ass spanked super-hard. Here she’s OTK getting more than she can handle with what I take to be a clothes brush:

Nu-West Debbie getting a hard OTK spanking

Debbie flailing over the knee as her ass is paddled harder than she can take

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  1. jim goodworth commented on December 16th, 2024:

    I always wonder about these spanking models from the 70’s and 80’s. So many would be in their sixties and past. We have all gotten older right along with them. I wonder if they have regrets or have put their pasts BEHIND them. LOL!

    She was a real gem, cute, could be a naughty daughter to a naughty cheating secretary. Those spankings she took were the real deal, and most were from some serious female spankers that would make most men cry!

    If she is still out there somewhere, THANKS for all the years of spanks! You helped mold my love for the genre, the fetish, they joy that is spanking!

    Thanks for sharing a great memory!


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