Military Birching Scene

I’m not quite sure what to make of this scenario; the men are mostly in military uniforms, but it’s a mixed party with interested ladies that have gathered to witness a birching:

woman strapped to a spanking bench for birching punishment

Said to date from 1905, in La Flagellation Passionelle, the author (but probably not the illustrator) of which was Don Brennus Aléra. The art style reminds me a little bit of Helga Bode.

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  1. Joe commented on December 21st, 2024:

    The story is available online in French, but I’ve read it in English. It claims that it’s a true story, only possible in England, and reported by an English author who changed some of the names. From the introduction, “In 1860 a depot battalion was stationed at Shingleton in southern Britain. The officers, all boys, led a very free life there; they introduced women into the quarters every day through a small gate which opened onto a plane-tree avenue and which was very aptly named Love Lane.” It’s a tale as old as time. One of the women, Fanny Hayward, is upset none of the men will buy her something and steals and sells a watch. Of course another woman, her rival, sees her selling it and reports her. The officers are all into spanking, and frequently spank these women before making love, so they plot a public punishment for Fanny. They have a big dinner party with rich food, and all of the men invite dates. Everyone knows what will happen and they are all very excited, but they keep it a secret from Fanny. After dinner, they announce the theft and that they know who did it. They have a ‘courts-martial’ for Fanny and after finding her guilty, give her the choice of a bare bottom punishment from them, or being turned over to the police. As the drawing shows, she chose the public punishment.

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