A Sore But Romantic Snuggle

This image of a pair of kinky lovers snuggling on a balcony as the sun sets (or rises?) over a fine urban view after what looks to have been a busy weekend of impact play circulated on Tumblr back in the day:

two women covered in tattoos and bruises stand arm in arm on a balcony overlooking a city

I don’t recognize the skyline or the cityscape myself, but it should be distinctive. Heck, in this era of geolocation hobbyists, somebody who has those skills could probably tell me the room number and building address of the hotel or apartment these two kinksters were in when the photo was taken.

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  1. fatherjim commented on February 11th, 2025:

    I don’t recognize the city-scape at all, perhaps somewhere in Europe, but I have to say that whoever beat these women is terrible at it. All of the bruises are on the hips, not the backside or if on the backside, it looks like by accident. If I were their punisher, I’d get a new job. Just sayin…


    Oh, thanks for sharing all you do!


  2. SpankBoss commented on February 11th, 2025:

    For all we know they got these bruises falling off of skateboards, to be honest, or winning a roller derby. And if it were indeed impact play, they might have done it to each other! It’s not really your place, or mine, to impose the consensus standards of our impact play community on these unknown strangers based purely on the tales their skin has to tell. With found photos, I try *super* hard not to to make judgments about behaviors that I’m only speculating about. I know it’s a fine line between doing that, and spinning the little two-sentence fantasy frames that I always include with these images, but the line is there and I try to find it.

  3. fatherjim commented on February 11th, 2025:

    I’m not quite sure what you are commenting about. I guess it is because I supposed this was a post spanking shot? Ok, did I break some unknown rule here? I surely meant my comment as a jest at worst, and seeing that this pic is on this site, I am sorry I assumed you were implying that they were spanked at all. Somebody needs a nap. I will never, and I promise, I will never respond to another pic. My thanks were heartfelt, if in retrospect, somewhat misguided, and surely NOT appreciated. Have a very good life Thanks for setting me straight, BOSS!


  4. Goddess with a Whip commented on February 11th, 2025:

    Ooo! Naked outdoors! What a thrill. One might speculate they were spanked on the roof. In any case, the girl on the left looks like she had a fair amount of wrapping around the thighs with a strap (exquisitely painful, and yes some people are into that). Girl on the right looks like she was subjected to a circular paddle. Let’s hope they both got what they deserved (and wanted). Thanks, Boss.

  5. SpankBoss commented on February 11th, 2025:

    Jim, I was trying to keep it super light-hearted, but apparently you didn’t take it that way. It can be really tough to convey tone in internet prose, and I’ll happily take responsibility for misunderstanding yours or failing at conveying mine as intended, or both. Please know your comments are always welcome. I never intended to give offense. I just felt it was super-harsh for you to suggest — about such a lovely photo — that some unknown kinkster was “terrible” at impact play, and I tried make that point in way too many words, I guess. I don’t see anything wrong with bruises in those locations, and I guess I took your comments as a case of yucking somebody else’s yum?

  6. SpankBoss commented on February 11th, 2025:

    You’re welcome, Goddess. I don’t have enough experience with heavily-bruising play to have decoded possible implements and positions, but I’ve seen enough happy-aftermath porn to have been fairly comfortable with this pretty picture.

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