A Frustrated Husband

My relationship with Bethie has always been much more of a lighthearted BDSM frolic than a serious domestic discipline situation, but we’ve definitely borrowed domestic discipline tropes when it suited us. Many years ago I got “almost gleeful” about caning her ass when she ran our shared vehicle completely out of fuel, after she’d ignored many fruitless nags about not running it below a quarter of a tank. And you know what? That hasn’t been a problem between us ever again. (These days I do try to make sure she never sees a gas gauge low enough to need filling, but that’s another story.)

Recently I’ve been reading a lot of BDSM fiction, including several domestic discipline novels where the spouses involved got a whole lot more Tarzan-and-Jane about their marital roles than would ever work for me/her/us. This whole preface is about me explaining that I’m not an evangelist for domestic discipline, but I do understand its appeal and I do think there are categories of marital strife that it’s super-efficient at resolving. The little video snippet below of a wife who ran the family ride dead dry and is now laughing at her spouse’s frustration for the whole internet to enjoy? It gives my spanking hand a powerful twitch, and I cannot lie about that. That man’s blood pressure would be so much lower if he just took six breaths, and smiled, and said “Honey, we’ll talk about this tonight after the kids go to bed.”

I am not providing a link for several reasons, including that the video source is ephemeral anyway, and that people following such a link and leaving comments there could stir up drama with the people in the video and hurt their feelings, which I don’t want.

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How It Started And How It's Going, The Movie:

Wild Party 2: Five Very Sorry Girls

before and after brutal caning photo
"...thirty vicious cane strokes for each delinquent young woman caught drinking on school grounds..."