“Computer, Tell Me A Spanking Story”

Longtime Spanking Blog readers will perhaps have noticed the lack of commentary here about the recent tech trend incorporating developments in generative AI that allows all manner of machine-generated media to be created from simple text prompts. Mostly, my silence is because I am officially an olde farte, raised in the school of “it’s better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.” Whereof ye know little, speak less, and all that. But when a recent banner advertiser here on the blog invited me to look at their erotic story generator, well, that was an opportunity to learn more. So, here we are.

screenshot from the top of the page of the library of generated spanking stories

NSFW Story Generator bills itself as “an AI-powered erotic story generator that crafts tales tailored to your fantasies.” At first impression, at least, it does precisely what it says on the tin.

The story generator itself is pretty easy to use. Right on the front page you’re greeted with prompts inviting you to select from four levels of explicitness between mild and extreme, and then choose a narrative style, a theme, and a tone. You also get an open input box to offer custom story details.

I requested an explicit third-person narrative in the “BDSM — Discipline” theme. For an environment, I wanted “Modern Setting — Office” and I requested a dominant tone. In the custom story details box, I added “Ditzy secretary receives a severe caning from her dominant boss. She cries, but secretly likes it.”

NSFW story generator input screen one

Submitting these details won me a second page of options, where I got to enter some details about Holly, my main character, a lonely single woman who harbors secret submissive fantasies:

NSFW story generator input screen two

There was opportunity to input details about a secondary character, too — you can see that the entry form has a scrollbar. I entered some details about Damian, Holly’s boss, as a secondary character, but none of these were reflected in the generated story. I haven’t played with an LLM/AI tool or toy yet that didn’t have its quirks; usually it takes a few tries to figure out what kind of prompts work best.

At last, I pressed the “Generate Story” button. Alas, woe, generatio interuptus! The site chooses this moment to enforce a detailed registration, demanding an age, name, username, password, and functioning email. Following which the story data input pages are presented again. Your previous inputs are preserved, but you are offered additional choices, like whether to generate a short (1500 words) or long (4,000 words) story. And then, finally, your story can be generated.

Here’s mine: The Secretary’s Caning.

screenshot of a generated story at NSFW story generator

I’ll let you judge for yourself what you think of the story. I feel like it works in a way that I didn’t expect but falls short in a different way. What I didn’t expect is that it would so properly capture the tropes of a caning story. I deliberately fed it a stereotyped setting for a caning scene, and it perfectly generated a caning story that respects those tropes. Whereas we’re all familiar with mainstream porn that tries to do a spanking scene and gets it hilariously wrong, because pornographers who aren’t spanking fetishists don’t know or don’t understand spanking tropes, and thus mishandle or omit them entirely.

The disappointing part is harder to put my finger on. My impression of AI-generated art generally is that it’s an averaging machine, a reducer-to-the-mean. When reading any story I’m looking for a uniqueness-of-voice that helps me connect to the characters, and I expect that to be a heavy lift for any AI story generator. Nothing in this generated text has changed that opinion/prejudice/expectation.

If you’re keen to experiment with this tool/toy, understand that when you register you’ll receive just one free credit, which is consumed the first time you hit the “generate story” button. If you want to explore further, you’ll have to start buying credits. They cost between 24 and 37 cents per credit, depending on how many you buy at one time. None of which should be surprising if you follow tech news. All of this AI stuff runs on the most expensive high-end computers that guzzle prodigious quantities of electricity.

NSFW story generator banner

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