Phone Box Spanking Art

Mike in London collects phone box spanking art on his Mike’s Spanking Booth website. Huh? Mike explains:

Until recently, sex workers in London used to advertise their services by placing postcard sized advertisements in phone booths. Some of these were well designed and have become erotica in their own right. Below are some examples.

Some fun stuff on that page. For instance:

phone booth submissive: spanking tart card from London

  1. Invidia commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I have a whole collection of these phone box ads from Japan. Maybe I should see if I can find them in the attic and post some of them. Many are cute, others are hot, most are just plain hilarious.

    Best Blessings. . .

  2. Confused commented on March 10th, 2005:

    I saw some of those ones when I was working in London! None of the decent ones, though.

  3. Mike commented on March 10th, 2005:

    Thanks for making me top of the bill, Boss, and I hope everyone enjoyed my site. Someone mentioned that some of the links don’t work, but everything’s been fixed, so please do try again.

    I am hoping to get a new set of cards, so please do keep checking the site for updates.


  4. More Phone Box Spanking Art » Spanking Blog commented on May 9th, 2007:

    […] Remember my long-ago post on phone box spanking art? Here’s some more: […]

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