The Lash For His Captives

He’s got his girls mostly naked, tightly tape gagged, bound hand and foot, and he’s looming over them with a long narrow leather strap. I know I overuse this joke, but nonetheless: date night seems to be going pretty well!

two women in bondage and menaced with a leather strap

From the cover of The Erotic Cinema #1.

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  1. Fr. commented on May 13th, 2024:

    This might be a stupid question, but what’s the black cable being used to bind her ankles? Rope would make the most sense, but there are a certain things about it that don’t look like rope to me, and other things that do.

  2. SpankBoss commented on May 14th, 2024:

    It looks like plastic-insulated lamp cord (cheap indoor electrical cable) to me. But I am not sure either.

  3. Fr. commented on May 14th, 2024:

    OH! That would make sense.

    It looks too shiny to be rope.

    And the color is wrong. Not that I’m an expert, but I assume that most bondage rope from this time period would be white.

    On the other hand, I was thinking that the way the trailing ends fall down her legs could conceivably be rope (as in, not too stiff, and of course not sticky like tape). But on a second look, I can see that this would also be consistent with an electrical cable.

    Anyway, thank you!

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Reform School Collective Punishment Movie:

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