Bath Brush Buyers

Hey, look what Dioneo found in the The Body Shop’s annual report:

bath brush buyers

Next I want to see stats from the riding crop industry on how many riding crops never see a horse!

See Also:

  1. spicey commented on June 12th, 2011:

    Thats the kinda market research i like!

  2. Dioneo commented on June 13th, 2011:

    Thanks for the mention, SpankBoss! It’s a pleasure to be featured. I’ve always wondered how much bath brush manufacturers consider alternative sources of demand for their product. After all, we have to be a fairly major chunk relative to their overall sales. You’d think they’d try to market more directly to spankos (I can see the ads now!)

  3. Pete commented on June 26th, 2011:

    Surely my SO and I can’t be the only spanko couple that uses bath brushes for bathing as well!

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