Annie Sprinkle’s First Spanking

spanking annie sprinkle

Via Chross comes this link where you can view a clip from a mid-1970s interview with legendary porn star Annie Sprinkle, in which she talks about her first spanking. The references to her mother calling her a “teenage deviate” almost certainly are in marketing support of her first porn movie, also called Teenage Deviate.

Here’s what she had to say about her first spanking:

“When I was a teenager, I had this one incident with this guy, he was very popular in school, very handsome and cute.

We did have… I guess I would say that was my first sexual experience. I didn’t know any better, I was always very carefree and I didn’t take things very seriously. He wanted to play this game, so we played the game, and we both didn’t have any clothes on. Right after the game was over my Mom came out to the back yard and she… She came out and oh did she yell at me! She did, she said I was a teenage deviant, because — she always told me that deviant’s when somebody does something a little unusual like other kids don’t do.

She caught us without any clothes on but if she could have seen what happened, she would have died.

What happened? Um, well, we were playing this game and he got into spanking me. I mean he really spanked me hard! When my mom came out I had to face her the whole time, so she couldn’t see my butt, because it was so red.

If anybody knows more about the circumstances of this interview or where a less-edited version of it may be found, I would be delighted to hear that info.

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