Whipped And Caned For Infidelity

This is one of the somewhat-contrived severe punishment scenes for which faux-Victorian-erotica writer Richard Manton is justly famous, or perhaps infamous. From the book Beauty In The Birch, also sometimes titled as Birch In The Boudoir:

Like a conjurer, Dr. Jacobus stood before us with a china egg between finger and thumb. It was not quite large enough to tightly fit the necessary place, but it would not be easily dislodged. Lesley twisted her head ‘round urgently to watch him, the light catching the fair, straight cut of her crop from its high crown to the severe cutting of it level with her jaw. Dr. Jacobus slid a hand under her, supporting her bare belly. He pressed the oval china egg between her buttocks, the narrower end foremost. There was a tensing of seat-cheeks, and a keening through wadded cotton, while the scholar’s mouth set firm and the veins in his forehead stood out more prominently. Lesley’s tight inward dimple yielded and closed again over the china oval as it passed up into her behind.

“Observe, gentlemen!” Dr. Jacobus stood back with a flourish. “See how hard and rapid the pulse beat in her throat is. Can it be sexual arousal at the thought of being chastised? Or is it no more than a young woman’s desperate fright? It matters not at all. Either emotion will generate a pitch of excitement. Lesley feels butterflies in her tummy, as the saying goes, and the flutter of panic in her bowels. The cheeks of her arse are no doubt crawling with such apprehension that they almost itch with it!”

Lesley gave a shake of her hair in order to look back at him over her shoulder. It seemed as if the once-disdainful blue eyes were trying to ask a question she could not utter. Her clear, pale features were a study in the most fearful anticipation.

“Ah!” Dr. Jacobus smiled knowingly at her. “Lesley is tormented by a last doubt! Will there be any restriction on the instrument of punishment? Any limit to the number of strokes? I think she can already guess that the answer is in the negative!”

How Lesley tugged at her straps– and all in vain! How she turned her blue eyes and fringe urgently to the audience! Whatever disapproval one may feel for Dr. Jacobus, he had a good deal of reason on his side. Lesley is a mature young woman. Her hips and seat have that slight firming-out which enables her to undergo chastisements that would be unthinkable for a schoolgirl. She has endured regular penis exercise in the marriage bed, the labour of child-bearing, the demands of her lovers. Having willingly incurred such extremes of pleasure and pain, she was scarcely able to object to a whipped bottom as punishment for her infidelities.

“Presently you will be caned, Lesley,” said Dr. Jacobus quietly, “but first I shall mark my personal disapproval of your marital treason by twelve strokes with a snakeskin pony-lash.”

Lesley was truly frantic at this. She twisted her head and scanned about her, with blue eyes wide and desperate. In vain, she jerked at the restraining straps. The gag reduced her protests to the same shrill keening, but her pale seat-cheeks were tensing urgently.

Dr. Jacobus took the whip, which consisted of a handle and slim woven lash about eighteen inches long. He ran his hand briefly over the full moons of Lesley’s bottom, smiling at the peeping vaginal pouch between the rear of her thighs.

“You had your fun with your lovers, Lesley,” he said gently. “Was it nice? Was it? Did you wriggle on the adulterer’s penis until you almost swooned with the joy of it? Now you shall pay a cruel price for it, you young whore!”

His right arm went back and his lips tightened. The cheeks of Lesley’s bottom shifted and squirmed uncontrollably. With an ear-stunning crack, the slim black lash snaked down, curling and clinging to the bare cheeks of Lesley’s backside. A split second’s pause was followed by wild mewing and buttocks contorting urgently to contain the naked smart of the leather whip. A scarlet stripe appeared, an S-shaped curve across Lesley’s bum-cheeks, dotted by two ruby droplets. Lesley had the firm, young seat-swell of a Spartan soldier-girl. Perhaps it was this which caused such breathless excitement among the audience as she was whipped. Or perhaps it was merely the satisfaction of seeing the young wife punished for her promiscuity and for being an arrogant young bitch. Who can say?

Dr. Jacobus made the whip ring out repeatedly with a savage accuracy across Lesley’s bottom-cheeks. Soon her pale buttocks were embroidered by plum-red loops and curlicues. Two! Three! Four! The strokes sang out like pistol shots, each stinging Lesley’s arse with a scorpion viciousness. Even the fiery kiss of the leather whip was but a prelude to the swelling torment as the impact of the stroke searched her lingeringly for several seconds afterwards. Vainly she tried to take the strokes on her flanks to spare her bottom. But her hips were too well pinned down for that. She tried to turn each buttock uppermost in turn, but neither of them could elude the lash. She tightened them desperately, until her arse-crack was a thin, compressed line.

Dr. Jacobus put a stop to this by an upward stroke of the woven lash, catching the fatter under curve of Lesley’s seat-cheeks just above her thighs. Frantic to writhe away the anguish, the promiscuous young wife thrust her rump out in a complete display of her rear anatomy. It was at this point that the eyes of Dr. Jacobus gleamed. He aimed the lash with vindictive precision between the cheeks of Lesley’s bottom. No refuge was left to her as the whip cracked out again. Eight! Nine! Ten! All the self-possessed sophistication taught her at school and college was stripped from Lesley now. Twice the whip’s command was printed between the cheeks of her arse. Neither this, nor the flooding tears in the blue eyes, moved the onlookers to intercede.

One must concede, of course, that Lesley was being punished for the great harm done to others by her conduct. To desert marital duty for illicit pleasures is a crime which law and custom has always punished in this manner. Almost every man– and perhaps most women– would have been pitiless with Lesley now. Under the long, fair parting of her hair, Lesley’s eyes– once so aloof and dismissive– implored her master vainly.

Smack! Whip-smack! Crack-smack! As the lash caught the inward curve of Lesley’s bottom-moons again, every muscle in her thighs went taut and her toes curled with the intensity of the discipline. “The justice of chastisement is absolute,” said Dr. Jacobus, as he finished. “Lesley has made others suffer in order that she might enjoy her lecheries. What she endures now is a modest retribution.”

Lesley twisted her head wild-eyed in dismay, for now the Schoolmaster appeared, cane in hand. Already Lesley’s bottom-cheeks blushed deeply, the whip prints raised in slight contours across her backside and the rear of her upper thighs. The young wife sprawled in her straps like an overgrown schoolgirl or page boy over the cushions of the teacher’s sofa.

The Schoolmaster removed the gag, allowing her to lie flatter as well. “I shall not need such expedients,” he said. “Besides which, when I cane a bottom, I like to see it writhe! How many canings your parents and teachers neglected, Lesley! How many punishment lessons to make up for before we have trained you to loyalty and submission!”

Lesley emitted a shrill protest, but the Schoolmaster dismissed it. “Come now, Lesley! You have tasted the pony-whip! What greater objection can there be to a reformatory cane?

There was a good deal of general amusement at this. When the murmurs of laughter died away, the supple bamboo rang out across Lesley’s bottom, the weals rising straight across the curving prints of the lash. You may imagine the frenzy of Lesley’s screams, deeply gratifying to the moralists who watched her thrashed for adultery. He caned her across the backs of her thighs half a dozen times and then returned to the cheeks of her statuesque young seat.

The Schoolmaster was worthy of the great tradition of pedagogues. Each lash of the cane was given with stern vindictiveness. Lesley’s backside writhed over the leather bolster in a manner which was positively lewd. You might have thought, from its sinuous squirmings, that her behind was trying to seduce the chastiser into other pleasures.

In the warm night, the young wife’s proud bare belly slithered on the leather bolster as she squirmed. There was a faint dry squeak of the restraining straps as she pulled vainly at her bonds. Under the caning, the firm, mature cheeks of Lesley’s bottom met and parted in their writhing.

How would it end? How could it end? The Schoolmaster’s disciplinary zeal seemed unabated, and it was impossible to imagine what would satisfy his punitive skill. His resolve stood out stiffly as ever for all to see. Yet now Lesley twisted her head round. She seemed to be trying to look down the length of her spine at her own bottom. In truth, she was directing the Schoolmaster’s gaze to that place! The reply was an expertly aimed lash of bamboo, drawing blood in pinpricks across several of her earlier weals. Such frenzy was provoked by it! The atrocious smart of the bamboo caused the rounded end of the china egg to peep out between Lesley’s bottom-cheeks!

The Schoolmaster, admirable moralist that he is, was not to be deflected from his duty by the reappearance of the china egg, which Dr. Jacobus had inserted in the young wife’s behind. Again and again and supple bamboo lashed across Lesley’s buttocks. The egg grew rounder and larger as it emerged, until it rolled free from Lesley’s anus, down her bare legs, and across the demonstration table. An ear-splitting smack of the cane across her statuesque backside brought a frantic pleading to her face again. The Schoolmaster’s lips parted in a grin of delight as he gave two more strokes of the cane across Lesley’s backside with all his skill.

Then the cane dropped from his hand, for he was now obliged to clutch his own stiffness. Lesley turned her brimming eyes and woebegone mouth — a vision in itself enough to cause his orgasm. She was in time to see the Schoolmaster’s weapon explode in mid-air, uncontrollably. Thick lusty jets spat forward and liberally bespangled Lesley’s backside with arcs of spawn. Who knows? Perhaps the slippery balm soothed her at last.

See Also:

French Lesbian Domestic Discipline

What do I know about this vintage whipping photograph? Almost nothing. However, I can infer quite a bit. The clothing says 1920s to me, and the martinet screams “from France” because the martinet might as well be the French national implement for domestic discipline of all kinds. Put those together and this photo may well be part of the vast fetish output that survives from the Biederer (Ostra) Studio in Paris:

stylish 1920s lesbian in a flapper dress gives a martinet whipping to a woman wearing fancy split knickers

See Also:

Spanked In The Dressing Room

You know it’s going to be a long day on the spanking porn set when the director spanks you in the dressing room before you ever get your first outfit on. It’s what you get for showing up late!

red bottom from a hand spanking in the dressing room

From Real Spankings.

See Also:

Rabbits Need Spankings Too!

One of my rules of thumb is that any credible list of recommended spanking porn created since 2012 or so simply must include the Dreams Of Spanking site started and run by long-term friend-of-the-blog Blake. By that yardstick, the Rabbits Reviews list of best spanking porn sites is an obvious success, because Dreams is on it.

otk bunnygirl gets hand spanking

Back in 2015 (almost 10 years ago!) I asked my readers to help me identify any new and fresh producers of spanking porn that I might have missed at that time. What became clear from that exercise is that the spanking porn space wasn’t brimming with new startups a decade ago, and (I am here to tell you) it still isn’t. So if the sites with reviews at Rabbit mostly seem familiar to you, that’s a sign of curatorial care, not any lack of diligence.

playboy bunny waitress getting her hair pulled as she's spanked and fucked from behind wants it more and harder

What are the reasons that we don’t see so many new and novel spanking porn sites these days? My answer is in multiple parts, but the first part is dull and boring. Innovation in porn has declined everywhere, subsequent to the rise of the so-called vampire tubes and the porn-industry consolidation that fell out from that.

coctail waitress bunny kneels for a degrading slap on her bottom

The second part of my answer is demographic. After 22 years of spanking blogging, I’ve come to understand that I am not the only spanko out here with grey hair. Not hardly! Indeed, I think our little corner of fetish-space may trend just a tiny bit grey. I have no data for this, but imagine for the sake of argument that I am right. If the most desirable marketing demographic is the 18-34 set, it’s not a stretch to imagine that new porn ventures might not be aimed at us.

bunny girl starting to cry as she is vigorously spanked

My third answer? Any loss of vitality in the spanking website space might be attributable to something you could call the gentrification of BDSM, but which I choose to call a trend toward fetish acceptance, if not downright polymorphous perversity. It’s really common for me to encounter older people with spanking interest who have convinced themselves that erotic spanking is just a little peccadillo, a sexual quirk perhaps, but it’s not actually a genuine fetish, and they aren’t themselves genuinely kinky, are they? Denial, thou art a boomer…

spanked bunnygirl is face down, ass up

Meanwhile, out among the millennials and GenZs who have architected the ongoing explosion of kink acceptance in our culture, spanking as a fetish (or fetish subculture) is almost invisible these days. It’s barely even a thing! It’s just “impact play” now — a tiny taxonomical corner of BDSM. In a commercial porn environment that doesn’t encourage micro-niche fetish sites of any kind, you wouldn’t start a “BDSM:ImpactPlay:Spanking” website any more than you’d start a “BodyModification:Ink:SexyMermaids” site. It’s just too niche!

Image credits, top to bottom: The fat-bottomed bunny girl getting her ass tanned OTK is by CherryS-12. The cocktail-waitress club bunny happily getting her hair pulled as she’s spanked and doggy-fucked is by Ebinkuu. The club waitress bunny kneeling for a degrading ass slap (that she loves) is by DeusV. The headset-wearing bunny who is starting to cry from her spanking is by tekona0. The face-down, ass-up spanked bunny with the colorful braids is by Tlandolt69.

rabbits reviews banner 800x30

See Also:

This Store Promises Too Much

They can’t understand why they have such a big shoplifting problem:

whipping cartoon

Cartoon by Earl Engleman shows two people looking at a sign that says “Warning! Shoplifters will be stripped, chained, and whipped.” The man says to the woman “Some of them actually go out of their way to get caught!”

See Also:

Birchdale School Caning Detention

If the evidence of this dog-eared vintage postcard is to be believed, they take detention very seriously at the Birchdale School For Delinquent Girls. Twelve of the best, and no backtalk!

young woman about to be caned while a fellow pupil holds her hand

See Also:

“Hello, New Daddy!”

An offer like this doesn’t come along every day, especially in 1930! This is Myrna Loy to Conway Tearle in the 1930 movie The Truth About Youth:

See Also: