Abel Is Done

I don’t usually mark the passing of spanking blogs here, in large part because most of them die not with a bang but with a series of whimpers: they slow, they lag, they languish, they become stale, and then one day when a chance link takes you to a dead site, you find it’s gone “404 Not Found” and another old-faithful spanking link destination is just a memory.

But I’ll mark this one, because The Spanking Writers has long been a major landmark in the spanking blog landscape. I am sad but in no way surprised to learn that Abel has wearied of it:

The Spanking Writers blog: 2006-2014

And so, all good things come to an end.

Every other day, rain or shine, for nearly nine years: personally writing some 1,900 posts in the process. Queuing them up; editing and tinkering with them; moderating lovely comments; dealing with the occasional troll. I’d guess, more original, free ‘literary spanking erotica’ than just about any other non-professional writer out there.

But life moves on, real-world responsibilities (including the demands of running an ever-growing business) consume more and more of my time, and the blog has started to feel like a struggle. Although I’d always aimed to reach the ten-year milestone, I’ve been finding it ever-harder to summon up the energy and creativity needed to maintain the routine.

It was an impressive run. For my own part, Spanking Blog has more than 40 posts that link to The Spanking Writers. The blog will be missed.

“Spanked In” To The Komsomol

This is rather awesome. It’s a version of Sergei Grigoriev’s “Admission To The Komsomol” that’s been photoshopped to maximize its kink potential:

komsomol spanking initiation

The original:

admission to the Komsomol

Thanks to Abel.

Update: A sharp-eyed friend noticed that the photoshopped version has a bust of Stalin that’s not visible in the “real” version. He attributed the addition of the bust to our kinky photoshopper, but something about the brush strokes in the “real” version made me suspicious that this was actually some of that genuine old-fashioned Soviet political correctness in action. And sure enough! There’s no bust of Stalin in the image as it exists currently in the Ukrainian National Museum of Art, but it’s clearly to be seen in many reproductions prior to 1958. Compare and contrast the two postcard versions here (from 1954 and 1958). While searching this out, I was amused to discover a page in which the author muses (I think) about his adolescent fantasies inspired by this artwork:

…то стоит заметить, что в пуританской атмосфере сталинской России можно было возбудиться от совершенно невинного соцреалистического полотна под названием “Прием в комсомол”, широко репродуцируемого и украшавшего чуть ли не каждую классную комнату. Среди персонажей на этой картине была молодая блондинка, которая сидела, закинув ногу на ногу так, что заголились пять-шесть сантиметров ляжки. И не столько сама эта ляжка, сколько контраст ее с темно-коричневым платьем сводил меня с ума и преследовал в сновидениях.

My best machine-assisted translation (not so good) gives us something like this:

…it is worth noting that in the Puritan atmosphere of Stalinist Russia one could become aroused from a perfectly innocent Socialist Realist painting entitled “Admission to the Komsomol,” widely reproducible and decorating almost every classroom. Among the characters in this picture was a young blonde who was sitting with her legs crossed and showing five or six centimeters of her thighs. And this — not so much the thigh as its contrast with the dark brown dress — drove me crazy and chased me in my dreams.

See Also:

Focus On The Cane Strokes

Abel has an interesting idea here about combining a good caning with sensory deprivation (visual and sonic). Anybody tried anything like it?

A girl being caned must surely, after a few strokes, recognise a pattern in the disciplinarian’s approach to beating her. The subtle shift in his position, as he steadies himself to apply the next stroke; the sense that he’s lifting his arm high. The measuring of the cane across its intended target; a gentle tap, tap, tap marking the spot. It’s as if we tops wish to remove any element of surprise, to forewarn the girl and allow her to prepare mentally and brace herself for the impact.

On the one hand, that – from a top’s perspective – is a good thing, anticipation being part of the punishment. But what if the caning was administered more out of the blue – the bound girl blindfolded so she couldn’t see, deprived of her hearing?

The World Needs A Motorized Cane

While searching for something else (I swear) I stumbled across Haron prophesying in an old Spanking Writers post: “It’ll be a motorised cane next.” And I’m thinking “Good idea!” when I saw this comment from “Girl”:

My dom at home makes things… dreadful, high quality… things. Let’s never allow him to read the words “motorised cane” ever. OK?

Sorry, Girl! We need to get this idea out there so that some brilliant pervert can implement it — and send us pictures. Sore test bottoms (so long as they aren’t mine) are a cheap price to pay for this sort of brilliant innovation in spanking machinery!

See Also:

Birching For Shoplifters

Abel has found a newspaper account of sorta-consensual (as in, agreed-to to avoid prosecution) private birchings for “female shoplifters of gentle birth”:

account of young ladies accepting birchings instead of prosecution

I doubt that the original “London Truth” source is any more reliable than Правда ever was, but it’s a fun tale nonetheless — the sort of tale that gets recounted in the funny papers because it’s slightly lurid and because enough people sort of want to believe it even if they actually don’t.

See Also:

I’m With Caligula

Having yesterday attended a movie that was interrupted by not less than three cell phone calls, I have to say I’m entirely in sympathy with Caligula in this matter:

Caligula used the whip with his own hand, and on the spot; even upon people who, by talking too loudly at the theatre, spoilt his enjoyment of the players. He did not much care who the offender was…

From an article called “The Whip” in the August 4, 1860 edition of All The Year Round, as excerpted by Abel.

Comprehensive Safety Tips

Abel, in conference with Haron, recently wrote up a comprehensive safety tip-sheet for the benefit of a woman who was planning to meet up for the first time with a potential top she’d encountered online. This is more detailed, and perhaps even more careful, than many such lists of advice, but it strikes me as worth a look if you think you might find yourself in such a situation.