Line Them Spanked Asses Right Up!

Years ago when there was a lot more spanking porn getting made, we’d see something that’s rather rare today: multiple-model shoots featuring tableaux of red spanked asses, all lined up in a pretty row. These two samples from Assume The Position are classics of the genre:

three pretty spanked girls line up their red asses

two spanked girls lined up on a bed waiting for their anal ravishment

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Straitjacketed And Tit-Paddled

There’s a lot of fun stuff you can do with a pretty girl in a leather straitjacket that leaves her tits exposed to be played with. But for pervs who enjoy impact play, the temptations of a ruler-style small hardwood tit-spanking paddle are not to be resisted:

bondage nipple spanking

straitjacketed breast spanking

straitjacket and tit paddle

Photos are from The Wasteland, but came to us today from this shoot on the Wasteland channel at Kink Unlimited.

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Taking Turns In The Paddle Pillory

We don’t know how the tables got turned here. But the girl who holds the paddle now, clearly has revenge in mind. She who paddles last, laughs best!

paddle pillory turnabout

Artist is Mitch After Midnight.

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Tied And Spanked And Yelling

Her dismay at her spanking predicament probably explains some of her audible distress, but I imagine her awareness that the panties are coming down real soon explains some more of it:

bondage spanking

Artwork is by A1.

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Punished Blonde Violin Student

A long time ago I posted this Jan Saudek art photo of a spanked violin student. It turns out there is another, even better, one:

blonde student spanked with her violin bow

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Humiliating Spanking On Public Transit

I’m not sure if this public transit passenger woke up expecting to get her ass turned bright red under the attentive gaze of her fellow passengers. But sometimes life hands out these little setbacks, and I’m sure she must have done something to deserve it:

painfully spanked on the subway

Artwork by Mitch.

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Switched And Belted

“Milady, greetings! I’m not quite done here yet. This hard-assed little slattern broke every switch that cut her impudent buttocks, but my good stout belt is more than her equal. Give me but another hour, and I’ll have her capitulation and the secrets she keeps…”

knight belt spanking a helpless tied servant girl with a blazing red bottom

Artwork is by Gesperax.

See Also: