Her Unjust Spanking

In The Trailmaster’s Bride by Maddie Taylor, our heroine is recently widowed and remarried under urgent circumstances along the Oregon Trail. An unknown enemy has plagued the caravan with minor acts of sabotage designed to implicate her, and her new husband, with whom she has been getting on quite well, decides to lecture and punish her for her supposed misdeeds:

“What has you so scatterbrained, Mina?”

“I know it seems that way, Wes, but it wasn’t me. Something isn’t right. And, as I told you after each mysterious mishap, I didn’t do any of those things, I swear.”

His brows drew together in a dark frown at her answer, his disappointment in her apparent in his eyes. “Lying only makes the situation worse, darlin’.”

She bristled. He hadn’t believed her before either. “I’m not lying, husband.”

“Do you have a more reasonable explanation, a culprit behind these mysteries, perhaps?”

“Well, no, but—”

Sighing heavily, he drew her closer. “Then I think it’s time I give you another little lesson that will help remind you to be careful with your chores in the future.”

“The last time you gave me a little lesson, you spanked me.”

“Which is what I intend to do now.” He gave her wrist a tug and pulled her forward and across his lap.

Like the last time, his hard thighs supported her belly and a solid arm wrapped around her waist. Despite his steadying hand, she instinctively reached forward, her fingertips in the dirt, which was all that she could reach from her precarious perch over his long legs.

“But, Wes,” she protested urgently as his hand swept down her legs to her skirt hem. “I swear, none of it was me. I don’t know how it happened—”

With one quick movement, which startled her silent, even though she’d been expecting it, he flipped her skirt up onto her back. Clearly, he was unconvinced by her weak excuse and was intent on proceeding without delay.

She couldn’t figure out what was going on, although she’d tried to all week. She would swear on a stack of the bibles as tall as she was that she’d taken the lid off the barrel that night. Furthermore, she knew she’d tied the square knot like he’d shown her because she recalled double-checking it. She also specifically remembered washing the coffeepot and skillet, then storing them in the wagon as she did every evening. The wagon brake, well, she’d been known to forget that several times and Wes had scolded her about it. Had she done it again? Uncertainty swamped her as she struggled to remember. Was it possible that she’d been reckless and done all of those things while unaware?

Air across her backside brought her out of her ruminations. She became aware of her husband untying and separating the split in her drawers, baring her bottom to the warm night air. Her hand flew back to cover herself. “What are you doing?”

“You’re a wife now, Mina. Wives get spanked on their bare backsides.”

She began to struggle. “No. This isn’t fair. I didn’t do anything wrong.”

“And that, right there, is why you’ve earned this spanking. If you’d have owned up to these oversights, I would have been more forgiving, but for you to continue to deny them day after day, until one lie builds upon another, when there is no other explanation except your own carelessness, isn’t something I can let slide.”

She heard the crack of his palm first. It echoed in the valley like a gunshot. An instant later, a sting like that of a thousand bees flared across the surface of her bottom. It was followed by another, and another. Then a barrage of searing fire rained down over both her hind cheeks and her upper thighs. Her hand, which had flown back out of self-preservation, had long since been pinned to her lower back by one of his own, all while he kept up a blistering pace of intense swats. She kicked, twisted, and even bent her head and tried to bite him.

Only then did the spanks stop falling. In their place came his angry voice. “Mina Carr!” he growled. “You will stop all this fussing and take the spanking that you earned or you’ll feel the snap of my belt on your willful behind.”

She stiffened, appalled that he would even think to use his heavy, wide leather belt on her tender skin. That’s when the tears came, not from the pain in her backside, but the ache in her heart. He didn’t believe her, which meant he didn’t trust her. Crushed, she sobbed out her sorrow.

Unmoved by her tears, evidently, his spanking continued. Another ten swats or so fell before he moved lower and delivered a half dozen to her upper thighs. Once done, while she was swearing she hated him and vowing to never speak to him again, he calmly held her in place, rubbing his big hand soothingly over her burning skin. The disparity of swatting her until her behind was on fire, and then attempting to extinguish it with a gentle touch, was not lost on her. Although, it helped soothe the sting somewhat, it didn’t stop the tears from falling.

“There, there, darlin’. Such a fuss over a little spanking.”

That broke through her emotional pain. His anger seemed appeased by the punishment. On the other hand, she was only getting started.

“Little,” she all but shrieked in outrage, her voice resonating in the night more so than his spanks. “I’d like to see how little you’d think it, if a huge brute took his giant paw to you.” She dissolved into sobs of frustration, much to her dismay, as soon as she’d said her piece.

“Mina, I spent the better part of my youth in my pa’s smokehouse with a strap blistering my butt. By comparison, this is nothing. I didn’t appreciate it at the time; still, I learned right from wrong as a result of my father’s discipline and I’m hoping you will too. He loved me, but when I messed up, he didn’t spare the strap. I shudder to think how I would have turned out if he hadn’t.”

“Were you guilty of all the misdeeds that earned you that strap?”

“I was,” he admitted, chuckling softly, as if lost in memory.

She pushed up from his thighs and twisted, looking back at him over her shoulder. “Therein lies the difference.” She couldn’t mask the hurt in her voice. “I am innocent. Except for the brake.” This she disclosed honestly as she looked away. “I can’t be completely certain about that.”


She set her mouth in a mulish frown, not sparing him a glance. “Are you finished?”

“Not quite.” He pulled her into a sitting position on his lap. “Look at me.”

It took sheer determination to meet his midnight gaze, shrewd as it ever was. When she did, she didn’t say a word, glaring at him while waiting for him to say whatever he needed to say.

“Are you going to hold to your story? That these things happened unbeknownst to you?”

“I am. And darn you for not believing me.”

Their eyes locked in a war of wills. Unblinking, dark eyes met ones as light as a clear noontime sky. She was first to look away.

“Am I excused?” she asked with a sniffle.

His frustrated sigh spoke volumes, although he let her go. “You are.”

As she stood, her drawers, which were still undone, drooped. Catching them, she fussed with the ties in back, finding it difficult to do with her hands full of her wadded-up skirt and at the same time keep her fiery behind covered and away from him.

“Let me help,” he offered.

“That’s unnecessary.” When she struggled for a moment more, he pulled her back between his legs, turned her about, and brushed her hands aside. In no time he had her back to rights.

“You’re all set,” he murmured low, as he rose to stand beside her. “Let’s head on back and get ready for bed.”

“I’d rather spend some time alone, if you don’t mind.”

“As a matter of fact, I do mind. Wash up, change into your nightgown, and climb under the wagon. I’ll be right there.”

“I don’t want you right there, husband.”

“That’s too damn bad, wife. You go where I go, as I’ve told you before.”

“Then I hope the reverse is true and you go to the devil, Weston Carr, because that’s what this marriage is to me, hell.”


She didn’t wait to hear what he had to say next or if she’d dug herself a deeper hole with her words, which she didn’t mean and rather than better made her feel ten times worse. Instead, she whirled and stomped off, wishing him to perdition as she went.

See Also:

Two On A Cane

When you have two unruly women to punish, you can save time by getting yourself a longer cane:

long cane punishment for two women in lingerie

From Rapport #6, a Danish BDSM magazine of uncertain vintage, perhaps dating to the early 1970s.

See Also:

Two Flogged Pussies

Tied with their legs open and inviting like this, I’m sure the whipping temptation was completely irresistible:

a blonde and a brunette tied with their legs wide open for pussy whipping and fucking

From The Upper Floor at Kink.com.

See Also:

Mr. Bear Supports Her During Her Spanking

She’s only three days into her strict French Maid training course and she’d never be able to take so much punishment if she didn’t have her emotional support teddy bear with her during the painful ordeal:

cutie spankee photo of Japanese french maid getting caned in uniform

From the defunct Japanese Cutie Spankee website.

See Also:

Braced For Her Belt Spanking

She’s rigid with tension, waiting for the next blow of the belt. Obviously her spanking has been lengthy and painful, and it’s so far from over:

bedtime spanking long and hard with a leather belt

Photo is from Girls Boarding School. I think this old post may feature the same belt being used on a different punished young lady.

See Also:

The Menace Of His Cigar

If you’ve ever read any of the numerous spanking and BDSM novels by Richard Manton, you may remember that one of the more intense (and squicky for me, though your mileage may vary) recurring themes involves light touches in vulnerable places with the business end of a cigar. Not my kink at all. However, I do enjoy this photo starring a well-caned girl who is clearly very concerned that her punishment isn’t over. Is she worried about more caning, or is it her master’s cigar that has her so worried? I guess I don’t mind a bit of ambiguous menace:

caned girl in strict rope bondage nervously eyeballs the cigar in her masters hand

The photo circulated a lot on Tumblr-that-was, without attribution. Based on style, I would guess that it’s a turn-of-the-century photo from the original Insex, but I don’t know for sure.

See Also:

Spanked Nudes: An Assortment

bondage spanking for Susane

As any good dom will tell you, a naughty submissive being punished should, circumstances permitting, usually be required to get totally naked. If clothing is armor, then being stripped of it will typically reinforce the punishment lesson of the day. Sometimes a sub might be permitted to retain a few sexy accessories, such as jewelry or shoes, for the dominant’s pleasure; but in the main, when it’s punishment time, the clothes come off.

sophie evans presents her pussy for spanking

In the spanking world, however, there’s a contrary tension. Of course a serious spanking is usually delivered “on the bare”; it’s felt more keenly that way, and it’s more fun to spank a naked bottom. However, perhaps more than in the other corridors of BDSM, spankings often have a roleplaying element, and that can mean clothing, to the extent that it’s also costumery. Your classic schoolgirl spanking is the most obvious illustration of this; the skirt will go up and the panties will certainly come down, but when these articles are import signifiers that we’re doing schoolgirl punishment roleplay, they are less likely to come off entirely.

lucy lee gets a nude quirt spanking

Maybe it’s just me, but I think we spankos don’t realize just how rarely our spanking porn features total nudity. We’re so much in love with our roleplays and our fetish signifiers that the sharply erotic joy of a completely nude sub with a bright red ass isn’t seen as much as it might be. I noticed this the other day while scrolling through photos of nude girl after nude girl on nakedpornpics.com until several completely naked spankings (like the ones decorating this post) caught my eye. Since I greatly enjoy the sight of a totally nude woman getting her ass lit up for her misdeeds and misdemeanors, I thought “How refreshing! I should do a post that focuses on spanking nudity.” And so, here we are.

aletta ocean whipped and forced to exercise nude

Spanking Blog has always been unfaithful to the spankings-only purists in our fetish; from the earliest days we’ve mixed in BDSM and whipping content, and gotten plenty of extra nudity into the bargain. You might be surprised how much grumpy email and commentary that’s earned me, but I’m unapologetic. I couldn’t publish this thing for twenty years in a row if I didn’t focus on posting what makes me happy!

simone styles gets her booty spanked poolside

Probably it’s impossible in any quantitative way to verify my theory that BDSM practitioners outside the spanking fetish deploy nakedness more enthusiastically than we do, but I do think they tend to value the headspace it creates (nervousness, uncertainty, vulnerability, shame, et cetera) at least as much. Certainly they do also use clothing and costumes as fetish signifiers a lot — spanking doesn’t have anything like a monopoly on that — but I’ll stoutly defend my unprovable hunch that when the whips and chains come out, we get to see a lot more bare flesh. And I am, as they say, here for it.

naked bondage whipping for anouk

Models, from top to bottom, are as follows: The gagged blonde being hand spanked against a wall is Susane. The belly dancer with the uber-skimpy bottle cap belt presenting her upthrust pussy for a hand spanking is Sophie Evans. The brunette on the drafting table being whipped with the end of a braided leather leash is Lucy Lee. The collared nude being chased around a jogging track by a whipmaster in cool white sports clothing is Aletta Ocean. The bountiful black woman being spanked poolside is Simone Styles. The gagged and bound woman sporting weighted nipple clamps and very fresh flogger marks is Anouk.

nakedpics banner 800x30

See Also: