Ten, Clutching Her Sore Bottom

Because I personally consider smoking to be a foul personal habit that degrades and contaminates not only the people who indulge in it but also the physical environments where they conduct it, I am perpetually amused by spanking porn that relies on the trope of models being punished for smoking. It’s the one memetic space where I am entirely unbothered by the cognitive dissonance that usually arises whenever “punishment” is a theme in our little fetish, given that everybody involved is a consenting and presumably-responsible adult. It’s not that the spanked-for-smoking scenarios are any less fictive or contrived, I just quite cheerfully do not care! Call it propaganda if you like, I just think “Got caught smoking, got their ass beaten with arbitrary severity by somebody with the power to do so, is now sobbing in the corner with her sore bottom, nobody feels even the tiniest twinge of sympathy because what they were doing was so fucking stupid” is a message that cannot be repeated often enough in the world. It’s like punching Nazis. It has an unambiguous moral clarity like few other messages do.

bottom clutching

And that’s supposedly the story behind Ten’s paddled bottom in this photo. In the April 3 update at Realspankings.com, she was caught smoking on campus. She got paddled over the jeans, but as you can see the thin tight denim did not save her bottom!

That Electric Whip You’ve Always Wanted

Comic book super villains have them, Nazi interrogators have them, alien slavers have them. Why can’t we have them? I’m talking, of course, about an electric whip, that zaps while you whip! Formerly they haven’t been an article of commerce, but now at long last they are. Behold the Electro-Whip Neon Wand Attachment:

electric whip attachment for Neon Wand electrostim toy

As the name indicates, your long-awaited electric whip is an accessory for the Neon Wand electrostimulation toy (about which, my thoughts here) and it sounds rather promising:

The Electro Whip, our latest Neon Wand accessory, combines a classic 10-tail mini flogger with a connector that fits all models of the KinkLab Neon Wand, allowing the conductive black silicone falls of the flogger to become electrified, delivering a surprising shock along with the sting of the whip when used on your partner.

In comparison with typical glass electrode accessories, the materials used in the Electro-Whip greatly increase the intensity of the sensations created by the Neon Wand. At milder settings, however, its bite is reduced, making it an appealing toy for players of all experience levels. But be sure to exercise caution: At higher settings, this whip really packs a wallop!

See Also:

Whipping The Breasts Of The Resistance

In the Dofantasy comic SS Prison Hell, it is not a chill scene when a mother and her two daughters get captured by the Nazis while in possession of American weapons and other gear for armed resistance. This is just the warm-up to mom’s interrogation, they aren’t even asking her any questions yet:

nazi breast whipping interrogation

Artwork is by Gary Roberts.

See Also:

Whipping As Foreplay

In this artwork from Nazi Doublecross by Brian Tarsis, the whipping table in that dungeon seems overdesigned for punishment alone:

whipping her pussy on the dungeon fucking table

But if the vigorous pussy-whipping is intended as foreplay, then the curved cutout in the table starts to seem rather ingenious:

fucking a well-whipped woman in the dungeon

See Also:

Prison Camp Breast Whipping

This harsh bare-breasted whipping in a Nazi prison camp comes from a book cover, and was found via Kinky Delight:

whipped breasts in a squalid nazi prison camp

See Also:

Two Pairs of Whipped Beauties

Via Chross comes this link to a blog post about Basil Gogos paintings for adventure magazines. Among the included examples are two sets of girls showing recent evidence of painful whipping:

two girls chained to a wooden beam and having their clothes whipped off by nazis

two girls chained to a wall and covered with whip welts

(The Nazi in the top painting reminds me that yesterday Bondage Blog did a seven-year roundup of bondage posts involving Nazis and prison camps and women-in-prison and such.)

See Also:

Riding Crop Couture

As a fashion accessory, the crop is not just for Nazis any more:

riding crop as fashion accessory

See Also: