Spanked By The Window

Lotus on Mastodon posted some fun photos from a rope bondage demonstration that included this nice spanking photo:

kneeling by a window to receive a firm hand spanking

They write:

This was from a tie we did in 2019 that was basically like a little impromptu performance in front of a few friends and I think a couple folks who were visiting from out of town as well. The rope was simple and the focus was much more on the interactions between us.

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Do You Have Daddy Issues?

We here in the spanking kink are at least peripheral to the corner of the BDSM world where male doms get called “Daddy” and female subs definitely have daddy issues. I spent too many years avoiding any mention of all that here on Spanking Blog, because I thought it had something to do with age play. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that either, it just squicks me a little, which of course is a “me problem” not a “you problem”.) But of course, I was wrong about it having anything to do with that. In truth, the “daddy issues” phrase is more of a shorthand for one of the common reasons why a submissive may crave the firm hand of a strong and reliable dom. I recently saw a TikTok that explains it way better than I can. I believe this fellow has the right of it:

@mrreutzel Replying to @13mmwitch I think this repost might help 😁 #brat #oldguard #dom ♬ original sound – The Lion Dom

Since TikTok is currently under some sort of legislative assault in the USA, here’s an Internet Archive backup link.

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Vigorous Bath Brush Spanking, Now In Progress

If you’ve ever used a good solid bath brush to deliver a severe spanking (or experienced same as the spankee) you’ll recognize the brilliant red glow on the bottom in this photo. Somebody is probably already in tears, or at least feeling very sorry about their misbehaviors:

blazing red bottom from a bath brush spanking

Photo is from a long-gone porn tumblr.

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She Poked It. And Then She Poked It Again!

As long as I’ve e-known her, Erica Scott has made no secret of enjoying a good chance to brat. This recent anecdote — from her fond remembrance of a spanking top whose company she greatly enjoyed — is classic:

He’d found my email address online and contacted me. We began a correspondence; he asked lots of questions, and I answered them to the best of my ability. Eventually, he decided to attend his first spanking party — Shadow Lane, of course. I encouraged him to find me there. I felt like I already knew him.

So we met in person, and had instant chemistry. A single man at these things is sometimes received with suspicion (which is a damn shame), but he did well for himself at this first party, making friends. And then it came time for us to play for the first time. It was Saturday night after the ballroom dinner/dance, so we were all dressed up. In the party suite, he approached me, and we went into one of the bedrooms to do our scene. He was in a suit, so he took off his jacket, folded it and laid it on the bed. Then he said, “Don’t touch my jacket.”

Of course, I reached out and poked it.

“I said, don’t touch my jacket.” I poked it again. Spanking commenced. But he kept stopping, turning to look, and repeating, “I told you not to touch my jacket! Stop touching my jacket!” Which, of course, I kept doing.

Until I got tired of that. “Fine!” I snapped. “Let’s remove the temptation, shall we?” Then I snatched up his jacket and flung it across the room, where it landed in a heap on the floor.

That did it. With lightning speed, he pushed me off, went to retrieve his jacket, came back, pinned me down and really lit into me. Other people were watching and I heard one guy say, “Daaaaaaamn!” And I was laughing through the entire thing. It was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.

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A Theatrical Spanking

Speaking, as we just were, about indefatigable stalwarts of the online spanking community, here’s a pair of images from Richard Windsor. The depicted spanking took place in a play called Springtime For Patsy:

otk spanking in a play

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Chross Resurgent!

Here’s a bit of good news: Chross says he’s back! If you remember the early days of the spanking blog era, Chross’s Guide To The Spanking Internet made a huge splash back in 2006 and, with regular “spankings of the week” linklists and the Chross Movie Database of mainstream movie spankings, Chross became one of the most indispensable hubs of the online spanking community. So much so that “getting Chrossed” became a much-to-be-desired experience, because for new and established bloggers alike, a Chross mention was a guaranteed slug of traffic and attention from the community.

Nothing gold lasts forever, sadly. Over the years many of Chross’s resources have gone offline, and there’ve been reboots with new resources and various levels of activity. Most recently there was a small flurry of activity in the winter of 2020/2021, but without access to any of the historical material. So I was delighted to get email from Chross yesterday, explaining that he’s “turning the whole thing into a message board” with special focus on his old passion, the spankings in mainstream movies. It’s at the old URL and he’s talking of reposting some of the best treasures from the old blog and movie database.

otk spanking over panties movie screeshot

I’m excited about this for another reason, which is that forums (message boards) are the original social media as far as I’m concerned. The topics so far are focused on Chross’s content passions, but I’ve never seen a vibrant forum that didn’t eventually expand to support lively discussion of whatever the visitors/readers enjoyed. I would have been running a forum all these years if the technical side of running one hadn’t defeated me when I tried it. So if Chross pulls off this reboot successfully, we might gain another sorely-needed social hub for this community. That’s what I’m keeping my fingers crossed for.

Screen cap above is from Chross’s entry about the movie 10 Rules For Sleeping Around.

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Her Gentle Tawsing

The mildness of the strap marks on her bottom indicates that she just got the world’s gentlest tawsing. Perhaps it was a good girl spanking, perhaps she’s still new at all this and her dom is a kindly person. Truthfully, though? I think she needs to be worried. Could be, all she’s had so far is the warmup:

bent over for a tawse spanking but so far the welts on her bottom are very faint, like she hasn't had any hard strokes yet

I don’t have a photo source for this one, sorry. Found it on a Tumblr that’s been gone for years.

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