Caning Stevie

The little bandage on Stevie Rose’s butt makes this caning shoot at Assume The Position just excessively cute.

ass up for a couch caning, no extra charge for the Bandaid sticking plaster

Poor Stevie. I imagine she still has a very old-fashioned doctor who continues to insist that all of her injections have to go straight into her gluteus maximus. She’s thought about replacing the old pervert, but he’s a dear friend of the family, he’s about eighty years old, and anyway she enjoys letting him think he’s getting away with something. Let him have his thrills, what harm does it do?

See Also:

Inspecting The “Damage”

It felt like the hardest spanking she’d ever had. Her disciplinarian told her “next time it will be twice as hard” but surely he was bluffing? She was certain her bottom must be covered with welts and bruises. A harder spanking must be impossible. But, to her dismay, no! Just a nice uniform red blush:

pretty girl looking at her own spanked bottom

From Real Spankings.

See Also:

Spanked For Bathroom Smoking

Younger rebellious smokers never seem to understand how easily cigarette smoke passes under doors, through cracks in walls, and throughout an old house. The privacy of the toilet won’t protect them from the righteous wrath of the disciplinarians who are anxious to deter them from a life of stank and respiratory misery:

caught smoking naked in the toilet and spanked over the edge of the bathtub

From Real Life Spankings.

See Also:

Paddled For Getting Sunburned

In this recent update from Assume The Position, Rachel Adams is in trouble for not using suntan lotion, and thus for carelessly getting sunburned while trying to fix her tan lines. A brisk whacking with a wooden paddle over her tiny shorts will soon teach her that vanity is no substitute for healthy skin!

otk paddling with her top off for getting sunburned while sunbathing and trying to fix her tan lines

See Also:

Belt Spanking For A Blonde

He told Stevie to make her bed (neatly!) and lay herself down upon it. No panties. You know the position, girl. Go get into it:

blonde on her bed for a belt spanking

He’s still just measuring the first stroke with his belt, but from his tone of voice, she’s convinced this is going to be a long hard punishment. The prank with the soap in his coffee? Suddenly it doesn’t seem so funny.

Photo is from Real Spankings.

See Also:

Wedding Presents From India

The entire plot of Birching His Bride (G. Angel, 2012) revolves around a pair of young British aristocrats who are newly married and still working out some of the power dynamics of their wedded relationship. You know how that goes among spankos; he’s mostly winning, but she has her moments. In this scene, our man’s very good friend has brought back some intriguing wedding presents from India, including an anal dilator set and some interesting suggestions for its use:

In fact,” said Wesley with a twinkle in his eye. “I brought home presents.” He turned to Edwin.  “I brought yours and handed it over to Banks in case we didn’t see you today.”

It was only a few minutes before the butler returned with the package that Wesley had brought, a box tied neatly in packing and filled with straw to cushion its contents. 

“What is all this?” Edwin asked curiously as Wesley pulled out several bottles. 

“This one,” Wesley held up a large green bottle with a black stopper, “is massage oil.  It enhances the experience admirably.” He held up another bottle. “This one is for ah… lubrication.”

“I’m not sure I need that one.” Edwin grinned wickedly.

“It might not be what you think it’s for,” countered Wesley, grinning wickedly.  Edwin raised an eyebrow at him as Hugh looked up, confused.  “Gentlemen, there’s a whole world of pleasure out there that we have missed out on.  Things that are acceptable in other cities would require us going to some of the worst, most degenerate dens of iniquity in this city.”

“Such as?” 

“Have you ever enjoyed a woman’s bumhole?”

Edwin shook his head and Hugh just laughed. 

“Are you saying some woman actually let you put your cock in her arse?” asked Hugh, still laughing. “You actually expect us to believe that?”

The white flashing grin on Wesley’s face said that he didn’t care whether they did or not. “And she enjoyed it.  The lubrication helps. As do these.” He pulled out a smaller box and opened it, revealing four objects of increasing size. 

“Those are dilators,” said Edwin, reaching out to touch one of the hard rubber things. “I saw an advertisement for them in the paper, they’re to relieve constipation.”

“Which I’m sure they do, but they’re also quite useful for stretching a woman’s rosebud to a point where she can accommodate a man.  They’re all the rage in ah… certain places.”

Edwin ran his finger over the hard rubber of the smallest dilator, it wasn’t much thicker than his finger and he had a sudden vision of Eleanor on her hands and knees, bottom in the air as he pushed this strange thing inside of that forbidden orifice.  The image caused a wave of lust that nearly brought him to his knees and he eyed the box with new interest.  Although he was quite content with things as they had become while he and Eleanor were in Paris, there could certainly be no harm in exploring new vistas of sensuality.  

“And if the woman doesn’t like it, and happens to be a willful spoiled brat, they’re rather useful for discipline.” Wesley eyed Edwin, but didn’t go further into specifics.  The image in Edwin’s mind changed to an Eleanor with bright red buns and a plugged anus and he coughed a little as he tried to get a control of his wayward libido.  

“What are these?” he asked, hastily opening another little box in order to change the focus of the conversation.  Inside were what looked like earrings, but with the kind of screw clamps that he’d seen used by carpenters, only in miniature. 

“These beauties are to adorn a woman’s nipples,” said Wesley, taking them from Edwin and deftly demonstrating how to adjust the tension of the prongs with the tiny screws. “They will pinch, and the tighter they are the more they pinch and the less time you can leave them on.”  Edwin had to squash the urge to run upstairs and try them out immediately on his wife. Considering how much she enjoyed being spanked, even if she never admitted it and claimed only to be doing so because it was his fantasy, he was sure that adding a little bite to another sensitive part of her body would result in the same kind of passion.

See Also:

Big Paddle, Tiny Bubble Butt

I like a comical spanking as well as the next man, especially when the recipient isn’t laughing. And one of the things that reliably makes me laugh is when a woman of slight stature (tiny!) gets paddled with a huge paddle that’s twice the size of her cute little bubble butt. A recent cheerleader spanking scene at Assume the Position checked all these micro-fetish boxes for me:

cute little cheerleader spanked over her booty shorts with a huge wooden paddle

See Also: