Do You Have Daddy Issues?
We here in the spanking kink are at least peripheral to the corner of the BDSM world where male doms get called “Daddy” and female subs definitely have daddy issues. I spent too many years avoiding any mention of all that here on Spanking Blog, because I thought it had something to do with age play. (Not that there’s anything wrong with that either, it just squicks me a little, which of course is a “me problem” not a “you problem”.) But of course, I was wrong about it having anything to do with that. In truth, the “daddy issues” phrase is more of a shorthand for one of the common reasons why a submissive may crave the firm hand of a strong and reliable dom. I recently saw a TikTok that explains it way better than I can. I believe this fellow has the right of it:
Since TikTok is currently under some sort of legislative assault in the USA, here’s an Internet Archive backup link.
See Also: