Spanking Blog: Adult Erotic Spanking At Its Best
Military Birching Scene
I’m not quite sure what to make of this scenario; the men are mostly in military uniforms, but it’s a mixed party with interested ladies that have gathered to witness a birching:
Said to date from 1905, in La Flagellation Passionelle, the author (but probably not the illustrator) of which was Don Brennus Aléra. The art style reminds me a little bit of Helga Bode.
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Debbie’s Always In Trouble
Old fans of Nu-West will remember their famous spanking model Debbie, who always seems to be in a lot of trouble and getting her naughty ass spanked super-hard. Here she’s OTK getting more than she can handle with what I take to be a clothes brush:
See Also:
Caned And Paddled In Panty Hose
Wedding Party Cheek
When the bride and her eight bridesmaids all decide to moon the groom and his groomsmen while the wedding photographer is in the room, well, this is what you get:
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Adele Haze Interviews Bailey (2006)
Long ago when Adele Haze had a blog, she published and I linked to an interview with spanking model Bailey, then only two years into her illustrious career as a model for the Real Spankings family of websites. Adele’s blog has been gone for many years, but the archive bookmark still works, and it seems worth surfacing some more excerpts for long-time Bailey fans out there:
Thank you for talking to us, Bailey. Please, tell us a little about yourself, as much as you’re comfortable saying.
Well, let’s see. I am 19 years old. I live in Colorado, and have for most of my life. I have had a spanking fetish since I was a little girl. I love history and spend way too much time watching documentaries on the History Channel. I also have a bit of an internet addiction, and I love surfing and reading blogs, or looking up something new. Aside from that, I have many interests including reading, travel, and learning (ever so slowly and painfully) to cook.
You’re into spanking in your private life, is that right?
Yes I am. I had a private spanking fetish well before I was engaging in any spanking on video, and it is still a very important part of my private life.
How much experience did you have with spanking before you started doing it professionally?
I have had several spanking partners over the last couple of years, both in full time relationships and more casually. Before I started doing it professionally I had been spanked by a couple different people, and had experienced most implements as well as differing levels of severity. Since I had been doing spanking privately for quite a while before I started doing the videos I’d say I had a fair bit of experience. However, it is very hard to compare what I do in my private life to what I do in videos, so I’m not sure how much the experience helped me when I actually started modelling.
How many shoots have you done all in all, would you say? Can you give a number?
Oh goodness, I have no idea really. A lot. I’ve been shooting pretty much once a week since July 2005. There have been a few breaks in there (I went on a month long vacation, and a shoot here and there has been cancelled), but it’s been pretty steady otherwise. Is “several” close enough?
Does any particular shoot stand out?
I think probably the shoot I did for the movie “Conspiracy” stands out the most. I had a lot of fun with that one because it was different and there were more models involved. At a regular shoot I don’t get to work with other girls really, so it was a real treat to get to meet the other girls. Also, I was really excited to meet the famous Niki Flynn and work with her. It was also the most severe shoot I had been involved with up until that point, so it really stuck with me. Watching the final paddling scene still makes me shiver a bit.
Does such a busy shooting schedule affect your private spanking life?
It can, yes. Shooting every week means I have to take certain things into consideration before playing with anyone else. It isn’t the end of the world if I show up to a shoot with marks from a play encounter, but it isn’t really encouraged either. It can be hard to find the right time to play at the intensity that I’d like if I know I have a shoot coming up. Often the result is that I simply don’t get to play. If I do play with someone I find myself saying, “Remember I have to shoot…” In addition to avoiding marks, I am frequently sore. It can be hard to get up for a hard spanking at home when I am still feeling the effects off my last shoot. However even with these considerations I think I enjoy plenty of spankings privately.
Do you ever wake up in the morning and think – oh, I wish I didn’t have to shoot today?
Sometimes. I get pretty bad nerves right before hand, so I often feel that way just before going in. However after my shoot I usually am really happy and proud of myself for making it through another one, so the feeling never lasts.
You have very fair skin, and mark really easily. Do you think this is an advantage, or do you wish your skin was tougher?
All of the above? I think a lot of the members like to see marks, so usually my marking easily has been a good thing. However I also feel like I could take more if I didn’t mark as much. Since I’ve been shooting my skins seems to have developed a bit of a tolerance, though, and I don’t mark quite as much as I used to. The same paddling that would have bruised me severely and come close to breaking skin last year probably would only leave light bruising today.
If there is one implement you would rather never be spanked with again – what is it?
This is a terribly unfair question. I’m not sure it’s safe to go on record as hating a particular impliment. The result almost certainly would be that I would suddenly be getting spanked with it a lot more often. Though as I said before I do have a bit of a fascination with all things that are traditionally “domestic”. Unfortunately for me that includes some of the more severe things like hairbrushes and wooden spoons. I guess I have a love/ hate relationship with those. Hairbrushes especially make me cringe. Also school style paddles are pretty ouchy.
And finally, what is your favourite position to be spanked in?
I really prefer to be spanked over the knee. The reason for this is that I really feel that over the knee spankings are far more intimate than any of the bent over positions. I also really like the vulnerability that comes with an OTK spanking in part because of its childish associations. It hits all my buttons with regard to “firm loving discipline”.
See Also:
Rebel Rhyder Plays Super-Hard
Really severe impact play scenes at are by no means unheard of. Nonetheless, the recent shoot Rebel Rhyder Takes A Beating is right at the outside edge of anything I can remember from this source. It’s a dark, gritty, and super-intense fifty minutes.
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