Let us be precise about this scenario: Sarah Gregory’s character here is only pretending to be A God-Fearing Christian Girl in this recent shoot from Dreams of Spanking. But even so, she must have understood that good Christian girls don’t throw tantrums like this without expecting the most serious of consequences:
And, indeed, that spectacular outburst earned her a long and slow and very serious hairbrush spanking:
These photos appeared long ago on Aunty Agony’s excellent spanking blog. AA was particularly good at finding candid and social spankings. This one stands out because (a) the fellow appears to have brought a serious paddle to this party and (b) the spankee appears to have greatly underestimated how much her spanking was going to hurt. Auntie wrote at the time:
It could have been a formal birthday celebration, or even a posh fraternity bash. Whatever the case, the young woman in these pictures, who voluntarily lifted up her skirt to take a paddle swat in front of male witnesses, was a very brave girl indeed. What’s more, judging from her agonized expression immediately after tasting the board, that spanking hurt very much more than she was expecting!
First photo: On the dance floor, still smiling, she lifts up her dress. The dj is unsure where to look.
Second photo: She bends over, legs splayed for balance, holding up her dress…
Third photo: She grasps at her burning bottom. Ohhh that hurt! But the boys in the background got a good show.
This “wow, spanking hurts, actually” moment comes to us from one of the Real Spankings sites, but I’m not sure which one:
Update: A helpful email informs me the site is Spanked Coeds and the actress is Brooke, appearing in either Brooke: The Runaway Returns or Brooke: Bad Grade Beat Down.
He really like the way it feels when she struggles wildly around his cock. And with a short cane in his hand, he can make that party go on for as long as he likes. He likes it long: