I am getting the impression that our man really enjoys spanking some serious butt with his riding crops. The face-down spread-eagle bondage situation guarantees that he will not be interrupted in his fun until he’s grown bored with it, and I’m gonna guess that will take quite some time. Note also the backup flogger on the bedside table!
These photos are from an uploaded amateur BDSM photoset that was circulating more than a decade ago.
This is a promotional photo for MGM’s movie version of the classic musical Kiss Me Kate starring Howard Keel, seen here using a long whip on Kathryn Grayson:
I purely love spanking toys. And I’ve got a lot of ’em, let me tell you. But that still doesn’t stop me from clicking the “BDSM Paddles” category link the first time I visit a new-to-me online sex toy store like Mega Pleasure. I always want to see what’s new in stylish and innovative ways to make pretty ladies say “Ouch, that hurts!” with their voices full of outrage, surprise, and reproach.
The same thing is basically true every time I see a new piece of spanking art. Sure, I enjoy the bare bottom and the marks and whatever clues are in the picture to tell us what the spanking scenario might be. But I’m always looking at the implement, too. Usually I’m thinking “I’ve got one like that” and letting what I know of the toy influence my quick-built interior fantasy version of the spanking fun in front of my eyes.
Sometimes, though, especially in hentai art, I’ll see an unfamiliar toy. For example, I’ve got a clear plastic paddle around here somewhere. But mine is more of a yardstick type — thin and light and narrow. It’s not nearly as thick nor as heavy as this fantasy police model designed for administrating swift and humiliating public justice to inept shoplifters. Mine’s definitely not drilled full of holes for reduced wind resistance and extra-blistery welting:
I should hasten to clarify, though, that innovation in spanking toy technology is not always desirable. Sometimes, the old ways are best. A simple rectangle of durable wood, shaped just enough to smooth the edges and painted basic black, is always in fashion. No one will sneer at it, not even at the snootiest spanking parties. It always gets results!
Image credits, from the top of the post to the bottom: The dominatrix with the thin oval speed-spanker is artwork by Phara-best-girl. The schoolmistress with the leather strap-paddle is drawn by Rebecca, famous for her Housewives at Play comics. The underdressed Red Riding Hood with a big wooden paddle and the lust for revenge in her eyes is by OptionalTypo. The humiliating public police spanking is by an unknown artist. The highly-aroused woman enjoying her heavy black paddle spanking is from the Nutaku game Booty Farm. And the very sorry tearful spanked wife is by Kamitora.
So there he was. He had his pretty woman all tied up, a curvy thing with a nice cushy bottom. He’d already delivered a few brisk friendly hand-spanking slaps. Call it foreplay, if you will. Just enough to leave some pretty finger marks. He was poised behind her, trying to decide which tempting orifice to plunder first, when the thought must have crossed his mind: “No, wait, I’m getting ahead of myself. What this ass needs is a good caning!”
A completely normal and rational response to the situation, one which any committed spanko can understand. And that’s how we come to find our libidinous hero standing in his dungeon playroom, his cane in one hand and his pecker in the other.
Our doughty dicksman clearly understands the value of gratification delayed, plus I think it’s fair to assert that he’s an artist. His pause to record this well-painted canvas is appreciated by all:
Never let it be thought, though, that gratification delayed is gratification forwent. In due time, our man has his fun.