Spanking Joke
Did you hear the one about the spanking addict who went to a spanking party?
The next morning, he felt like he’d really hit bottom.
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Did you hear the one about the spanking addict who went to a spanking party?
The next morning, he felt like he’d really hit bottom.
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Kids these days (by which sardonic phrase I intend to reference everybody who has grown up with the internet in their life) might reasonably wonder: why are there so many references to peeping Toms in vintage pop culture? They are everywhere, especially in cartoonery as a risible figure. What the heck was up with that?
I’m not saying we don’t have voyeurs in 2021; we manifestly do, and every so often some sad dude gets arrested for hiding a camera in a locker room. But it’s in the nature of a rare perversion these days, whereas (if we trust the magazine gags and comic postcards) it was common behavior, with a heavy degree of “boys will be boys” social resignation about the phenomenon.
Go back 120 years, and porn was mostly underground, rare, expensive, a privilege of the rich. Even after porn magazines became more common, they often weren’t casually available outside urban centers. If you weren’t married or paying a sex worker, the sight of naked flesh “in the flesh” was usually unobtainable. Is it any wonder that horny dudes were alert for opportunities to peep through keyholes, binoculars, undraped bedroom windows, unguarded doorways, and cracks in privacy fences?
It’s different these days. There’s a lot more skin to be seen on a warm summer street or a busy beach than there used to be. And porn is ubiquitous on a screen that fits in your pocket. For a few bucks, you can go to cam girls websites where you will find naked girls to view on your screen who will be wondrously cooperative, if you are still mystified by anything and desire a closer look. Honestly speaking, there’s no need to risk retaliatory violence, social censure, or criminal sanctions by lurking in the azaleas under some woman’s windowpane.
But oh! How it used to be different. I can’t say whether unwelcome horndogs snooping around beachside changing tents were a genuine social reality or just a social obsession of the times, but either way, we have endless examples of them recorded in comic artwork. Sometimes, we see them just chilling and enjoying the view. But much more often, they being kicked around by their enraged victims, thumped with a parasol by an angry spouse, hauled away by the beach police, or even booted off a rock into the sea by a random passer-by.
At least in the popular imagination of the day, public punishment of peeping Toms was necessary, appropriate, expected, and above all, funny! And yet voyeurism apparently persisted, which is perhaps a sign of the general level of sexual frustration and desperation in the pre-porn era.
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Her bottom is rapidly turning bright red, but her bright smile suggests that Kelly Morgan’s appetite for naked OTK spankings is not even close to being satiated:
From Firm Hand Spanking.
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This artwork by Louis Malteste is the frontispiece from Fifi l’Arpète (Collection des Orties Blanches, Paris, 1922):
It’s no surprise to see all of Fifi’s friends lined up gaily to watch her being whipped — they understand she’s the sort of girl who needs frequent and vigorous whipping — but I must say Fifi herself seems surprisingly happy about the impending ceremonies.
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All the way back in 2008 I posted the pulp-novel spanking cover of Birth Of A Tramp. Now, thanks to a recent eBay auction, I have a much bigger copy of the artwork to share:
On the back cover it says “She was a born actress, but the greatest scene she played was across a man’s lap…”
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One of the really fun things about the spanking fetish is that almost nobody insists on that heroin-chic thin-as-a-twig body type for their spanking models and play partners. Spanking play is inherently a little bit rough, so there’s no premium on fragility! A sturdy girl with a well-padded ass can play hard, take a hell of a spanking, and bounce right back up asking to do it all again. What’s more, it’s fairly common for people who like spanking to have a bit of a bottom fetish, with ample padding and generous curves being a “woohoo, the more the merrier!” situation. Overall, the spanking world is a bit of a friendly oasis for people with big butts and the people who love them.
This contrasts rather sharply with the vanilla porn world, where there’s maybe a little more acceptance of normal body types (as compared to, say, fashion modeling or acting). Mainstream porn has room for anything, but only if it’s rigidly typed and classified under some keyword-identified fetish. Amply-padded curvaceous women are usually called “BBW” (for “Big Beautiful Women”) and you’ll only find them in “specialty” titles and categories. If you want BBW hot photos you can get them, but you won’t just stumble over them in a random boy/girl “blowjob and an energetic fuck” 20 minute porn clip.
So my theory (and I’m sure I’ll get people in the comments arguing with me) is that in the spanking world, we are allowed to see bigger bodies in our porn or in our playspaces without needing anybody to fetishize “BBW” specifically. But that’s not at all the same thing as saying BBW isn’t a specific fetish enjoyed by some spankos, too. For a few years we even had a dedicated Spanking BBW site, but like so many great sites it does not survive. Then too, the vintage spanking porn record includes persuasive evidence that this combination of fetishes has always been with us.
There’s plenty of spanking art that celebrates ample fleshy asses, too. Spanking Blog has published quite a bit of it over the years. From a Japanese sauna to a lesbian dungeon, the examples aren’t hard to find.
I am aware that some people out there consider all commentary about body types to be rude, no matter how celebratory one tries to make it. I got yelled at in 2008 for expressing concern about a malnourished lingerie model. And I understand the argument, I do. But at the end of the day, my role here on Spanking Blog is to be your spanking porn sommelier. That’s almost impossible to do correctly without some acknowledgment of the role that ass shapes and body types play in people’s fetish enjoyment.
I will admit, there are moments in this sequence when Hazel Paige looks more than a little bit freaked out by her BDSM training regime. But by the end, she’s all smiles. And meanwhile, nobody can fault her for lack of enthusiastic obedience. When she’s told to show her pussy and ass to the camera, she doesn’t hold anything back except her butt cheeks!
These are some more photos from Back To Basics: Real-Life BDSM Training, via Kink Unlimited.
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