Spanking Good Birthday Card
It’s her birthday, and it looks like she’s been celebrating with birthday spankings!
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It’s her birthday, and it looks like she’s been celebrating with birthday spankings!
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In which Bondage Blog reminds us that whacking people is not the only fun thing to do that’s written down in the Big Book Of Punishments:
The uncropped artwork is signed “Alex”.
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These whipping panels are from Backyard Garden II, which is a Dofantasy comic:
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This is a fascinating photo. I wish I could find out more about it. Four anonymous women with ample curves and generous asses, well spanked and showing numerous whip marks and caning welts, all perched on a ratty couch in a room that’s a bit of a dump, displaying the ample evidence of their punishments to the camera:
The round electrical outlet under the air conditioner (click the image for an uncropped version that shows it) tells me this scene is not in the USA. The room itself is not nice enough to be any kind of hotel in the developed world, which pretty much rules out playtime at an organized spanking party, whence most such group photos of spanked girls come from. (Also, the nudity in play-party photos is usually less complete.) Likewise, I’d think a bunch of BDSM swingers or orgyists would generally strive to play in prettier space. By process of elimination, I figure it almost has to be a commercial porn shoot in some place (Eastern Europe, circa 2005?) where standards for sets and backgrounds had not gelled at the time of production. But I’m really just guessing!
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The city fathers have discovered that the big leather strap is the crowd-favorite spanking implement for their market-day judicial public punishments. The big bullhide whip does so much damage, the punishments are over too soon. The crowd likes to see the naked punishments dragged out, the longer the better. The spanking strap is perfect for that job; it bruises and reddens until the criminals can barely stagger away from the pillory afterwards, but it rarely breaks the skin in a skilled hand. And the city punitioner is very skilled:
I don’t know the source of these comic panels, sadly.
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Normally he makes her bend over the little stepstool for her spankings, but today, he’s rather angry, so he made her perch precariously on her knees on the stool, with a caning promised if she falls off. The new Hello Kitty tattoo on her ankle was emphatically not authorized:
From Punished Brats.
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If you’ve got one of those useless partition walls that juts out into your living space, you can convert it to a bondage wall by screwing in just two simple eyelets to use as attachment points:
However, you can’t spank a pussy properly if your slapper is inside her panties! It is known.
Photos are from an old issue of Hustler’s Taboo.
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