Resigned To Her Hard Hand Spanking
I believe she’s past the point of resistance, and is now resigned to the inevitability of her long hard spanking continuing for a while longer yet:
Photo possibly from Californa Star.
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I believe she’s past the point of resistance, and is now resigned to the inevitability of her long hard spanking continuing for a while longer yet:
Photo possibly from Californa Star.
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Although I routinely visit the hentai porn mines to return with spanking artwork for this audience, I am not otherwise well-plugged-in to greater anime fandom and culture. That’s the only explanation I can offer for how I missed the entire Yaoi paddle phenomenon, back in the aughts when it was a thing. (In truth, I didn’t quite miss it entirely; there’s one post with a photo from a con, and my readers explained what was going on. But, mysteriously, I never followed up.)
Yaoi, apparently, is pronounced “Yowie!” which seems fitting enough. On one level, it’s the name of an entire genre of female-gaze male/male romance manga. How it came to be wood-burned on paddles that sold like hotcakes at anime conventions? That’s a somewhat complex and murky story, but the video above includes footage of people lining up to get spanked with the things. So much so, apparently, that before long the cons had to ban yaoi paddles, due to attendees with a primitive (or entirely missing) notion of consent having taken to smacking cosplaying strangers who were not into it. And that, boys and girls, is why we can’t have nice things, you understand?
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Her BDSM training? Looks to me like it’s going rather well, actually:
Photos are from Back To Basics: Real-Life BDSM Training from Kink Unlimited. The well-behaved submissive is Hazel Paige.
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ErosBlog posted an explanatory vignette to accompany this photo:
“We’re adults,” he told her sternly. “If you want a spanking, learn to ask. Nicely! Don’t do this shit any more where you’re bitchy and hard to get along with until I finally figure out what you want.”
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Remember Repentance, by The Veterinarian? This appears to be a companion piece:
At some point you have to wonder what this poor nun could possibly have done that requires quite this much repentance.
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Cheerleader rivalries are a lot of fun, especially if the coaching team leaves the girls unsupervised a lot. Those jump ropes in the locker room really come in handy when it’s changing-bench bondage spanking time!
Artist is Naughty Girls.
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I don’t usually take the slipper seriously as a spanking toy; they don’t make rubber soles as thick and heavy as they used to. But in this OTK slipper-spanking scene from Firm Hand Spanking, the slipper seems to have gotten the job done; Amelia-Jane Rutherford’s bottom is nicely red.
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